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Inyenyeri news has learnt that the recent trip by the Uganda’s president to Kigali was meant to kill two birds with one stone, mediating between the First Family and accomplishing his official duties.  Ariko Ngo ingeso mbi ntirara bushyitsi, meaning the bad habit will never hide even at visit. It won’t be easy for both couples to remain the same after weeks of family turbulence.

Mr.Museveni, warned the couple of the consequences of mixing the public responsibility with their family life, both couples had failed to reconcile under the mediation of their family close friends. The veteran Ugandan who mastered not only politics but also social affairs warned Kagame that he is likely to lose the coming elections if he doesn’t sort out his family issues as quickly as possible.

Mr. Museveni told both Jeannette and Paul that as Politicians they represent the country and therefore people have a right to know what they are doing.

“Politicians represent their respective countries; therefore their citizens have a right to know what their elected politicians are up too and if it is beneficial or negligent towards the country they have been elected to lead. Would you like to live in a country you have no idea what the people who are running it are doing?” The veteran leader considered as a Professor of politics asked the Kagames.

Indeed, Kagame had failed to reconcile with his wife after his former comrades like Patrick Mazimpaka tried mediating them without success largely because of Kagame’s arrogance and disrespect to his former politicians and comrades who helped him capture power Two decades ago.

Museveni of whom he is wife is known as Janet too was quoted as saying “I have been with Janet for a long time but don’t think we have never had disagreements or hi-cups, but we agreed that it will remain in wardrobes or cupboards of our rooms”

Mr. Musveni reminded both Kagames that Politicians private lives are inseparable from public life as such; people have a right to know everything about their political leader’s lives.  Because people put their trust in them by voting for them, they need to know what kind of person they are and what kind of lifestyle they lead. If a politician is not willing to share his private life, then he/she must have something to hide and is not worthy to represent people. According to Mr. Museveni, politician’s private life will jeopardizes his or her chances of leading the nation if it is fundamentally found to be missing.

In fact Mr. Museveni has managed to bring the couples closer after weeks of uncertainty and rumors among all Rwandans. The couples were seen yesterday in the closing ceremony of the students at Convention centre complex, although Jeannette was sitting far from her husband and looked  confused and without the usual confidence.

The Private lives of Politicians reflect their judgment, while it is reasonable to assume a certain amount of privacy in most home and family life, what one does in those parts of life reflects on an individual’s judgment. For politicians, personal judgment is a large part of their jobs, so a certain amount of scrutiny is necessary. Politicians have put themselves into the public sphere intentionally – additional attention should come as no surprise. Many politicians also use their positive home and family life as part of their public campaign, to promote an image of stability. It is unreasonable to assume, then, that negative aspects of that life are not fair game as well.

President Museveni’s masterly of Policts should also help President Kagame to reconsider his political style of eliminating his political opponents, killing people because you disagree with them is not only dictatorial but backward and rudimentary politics.  While Kagame is known for his rigid attitude and arrogance, this appearance of his wife again after weeks of disappearance from public eye is likely to bury the speculation and rumors while boosting Kagame’s chances of re-election come 2017.

We have  also obtained credible information that the fall part of Jeannette and Kagame was not only family issues but also financial concealments or corruption that have now implicated the former killer master Gen. Jack Nziza, who has been secretly operating joint business with the first lady without disclosing it to his boss. This has infuriated president Kagame who as ordered Col. Dan Munyuza to investigate his colleague and comrade. Indeed, the former killing machine is likely to be hanged because of the secrets he banks for the RPF/RDA. The Kagame inner circles have resolved that taking Gen. Jack Nziza to court will spill the beans by implicating the first family which will not be palatable for Kagame. The only remaining option is the old RPF tactic of eliminating the tumor before it spreads to other parts of the body.  It’s now an open secret that, the hunter is now hunted; Gen .Jack Nziza’s days are numbered. KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSTRUTH & RECONCILIATIONInyenyeri news has learnt that the recent trip by the Uganda's president to Kigali was meant to kill two birds with one stone, mediating between the First Family and accomplishing his official duties.  Ariko Ngo ingeso mbi ntirara bushyitsi, meaning the bad habit will never hide even at visit. It...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE