Recently Dr Bizimana Damascene claimed that Rwandan Genocide survivors  should be thankful to then RPF soldiers ( Inkotanyi ) because they owed them and not God  their survival.

Not only is this Ignorant Dr guilty of blasphemy , he is also a very bad liar.

Paul Kagame , Kayumba Nyamwasa and Fred ibingira would attest to this.

From 1992 , RPF had within its ranks commandants who had undergone a 6 month training called ubutemu ( they were  mainly taught to kill using their bare hands ,clubs and knives ) under the supervision of Kayumba Nyamwasa ‘s DMI.

They were  instructed to kill in the main towns all over the country and to throw the bodies near military baracks and encampments so as to blame those murders on the Habyarimana regime.

This was happening  as President Habyarimana was busy brokering a peaceful resolution to the Rwandan conflict .

Here are some of the criteria  that were used in selecting those to be trained:

They mainly had to be from Rwanda   because they would manage to blend in with the people easily as shamba boys for example or vendors in towns.

These soldiers   mainly had joined  RPF alone .This was important because the commandants , or technicians as we called them were not to be identified .We were kept in the dark regarding them.  Precautions were taken for them to be taken to their places of training using the cover of the night ,the same going for their material and food supply.

But information always finds a way of leaking  particularly when it involves the murder of innocent civilians and politicians .

In case the Dr Bizimana  did not know, RPF technicians  were killing innocents as early as 1992 in Nyanza ,Gahini , Kibungo ,Kigali.

Louise Mushikiwabo ‘s own brother Landuald Ndasingwa was murdered by these technicians along with  his family , not that she seems to mind today. Perhaps she is just in denial about it.

Those infiltrated soldiers did join the Interahamwe   some times so as not to arise suspicion , just like it is done today with Intore. The likes of Froduald Karamira and Kajuga Robert are the most famous in this category.

These infiltrated soldiers are sometimes  considered a myth or an affabulation to tarnish the good name of the RPF “saviors”  that Kagame and his regime have been portraying in the media even though the reality is strikingly different.

Some  of the atrocities of the RPF  will never be brought to light . Those who could  testify to these have been silenced in death forever .

The fact remains however , that  the difficult situation we are in since the death of Fred Rwigema  and the highjacking of RPF by Paul Kagame and his men has kept Rwanda in this blind alley where  we are told only one side of the story over and over again. Yes Interahamwe killed . But so did RPF and to this day,people continue to  be murdered , disappeared and bullied.

If Kagame  really ended the war in 1994, why are people still running away from Rwanda in masses? Who are they running from  since the interahamwe are no longer in the picture !


Noble Marara KayitareAFRICAJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSTRUTH & RECONCILIATIONRecently Dr Bizimana Damascene claimed that Rwandan Genocide survivors  should be thankful to then RPF soldiers ( Inkotanyi ) because they owed them and not God  their survival. Not only is this Ignorant Dr guilty of blasphemy , he is also a very bad liar. Paul Kagame , Kayumba Nyamwasa and...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE