In a meeting held in Gisenyi which was attended by the head of Congolese intelligence, the head of the eastern Congo soldiers and General James Kabarebe Rwanda’s minister of defence as well as Gen Charles Kayonga Rwanda’s army Chief and Maj Franco head of external operations.
President Paul Kagame of Rwanda instructed his soldiers to kill Bosco Ntaganda. In this meeting it was first agreed upon that they should first arrest or kill Ntaganda’s soldiers in order to gain access him. Based on the information of the armory and how equipped Gen Ntaganda’s soldiers were. The outcome was that, Gen. Ntaganda’s soldiers were to be ambushed and Gen Kayonga agreed to send the Special Forces who were to join forces with the Mai Mai Cheka militia group. This group has always worked closely with the Rwandan high profile leaders in order to acquire the market for their minerals as well as the exchange of weapons for other resources. Colonel Piripiri and Colonel Cyuma were both killed in an ambush yesterday the 23/04/12 (See: Colonel Cyuma is believed to have been the head of the fourth region in eastern Congo, Colonel Piripiri was an assistant to Colonel Boduin who managed to escape; all of these senior army officers are royal to General Bosco Ntaganda. This attack happened on the 23/04/12 in a place called Kibuwa between walikale and Masisi. Both the colonels died together with a large number of soldiers, Reliable sources indicate that this attack was done by the Rwandese special forces, however when the attack happened they indicated that it was done by the Mai Mai Cheka militias who typically work for the Kigali government. The Special Forces joined this group in order to empower them to track down Gen Ntaganda yet they had also attacked Colonel Makinga and his soldiers but fought for hours and he managed to survive. The Special Forces are headed by Maj Nkuranga of the Rwanda Defence Forces, the plan is weaken by Gen Ntaganda’s backed groups until they can capture or shot him. Col. Boduin has headed into the mountains of Masisi where it is believed his boss Gen Ntaganda is hiding.
More info on Bosco Ntanga:
. KayitarePOLITICSIn a meeting held in Gisenyi which was attended by the head of Congolese intelligence, the head of the eastern Congo soldiers and General James Kabarebe Rwanda’s minister of defence as well as Gen Charles Kayonga Rwanda’s army Chief and Maj Franco head of external operations. President Paul...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE