Tom Byabagamba Rusagara Mutabazi Kalisa all on handcuffs
The Great Lakes Human Rights Link is seriously concerned over the current human rights situation in the Rwandan Prison especially for the life of Gen. Rusagara and his colleagues.

We have obtained credible information from the Prison where Gen. Rusagara and his colleagues are kept that they are chained and handcuffed during the day and night. This is no less than torture in disregard for the rule of law and official impunity for violators of human rights by the Rwandan government officials.

Widespread disregard for the rule of law and official impunity for those who commit human rights abuses are serious problems. The Rwandan government should investigate as a matter of urgency and prosecute human rights abuses by its officials, including those security forces or will be an accomplice.

The ineffective government investigations of abuse and torture, poor prison conditions, based on retribution are a crime against humanity under international law. Rwanda is a signatory on many international agreements that prohibit torture. We are requesting our partners like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to investigate these developments of torture against Gen. Rusagara and his Colleagues.

Noble Marara

Executive Secretary

The Great Lakes Human Rights Link. KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSWORLDTom Byabagamba Rusagara Mutabazi Kalisa all on handcuffs The Great Lakes Human Rights Link is seriously concerned over the current human rights situation in the Rwandan Prison especially for the life of Gen. Rusagara and his colleagues. We have obtained credible information from the Prison where Gen. Rusagara and his colleagues...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE