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Ladies and Gentlemen,
The shocking announcement of  Kagame and his RPF administration’s intent to abolish land ownership , grow one type of crop that will serve the RPF factories has caused terrible hunger and famine to  the population of this tiny land locked country

Rwanda was already a country that is one of the densely populated nations on Earth given its size. Indeed, the so called land consolidation by RPF has exacerbated its population from its already overcrowded count of 12 million to landless without food.

This has drawn overwhelming disapproval with a rare admission by the Rwandan Minister Kanimba that people are starving to death. The Kagame government has always threatened to kill or lock up whoever challenges his polices but the fact that, his government has admitted that people are starving is clear from their misguided policies in that one party dictatorship.

Dictatorships everywhere usually get things wrong because they have no one to criticize them in whatever they do. Kagame is a dictator who thinks he knows best never mind anyone else, decided Two decades ago that the first thing you do for nation building is to silence all criticism, which he succeeded in doing very well. Opposition politicians and anyone else who had the slightest contrarian ideas were all  killed ,incarcerated,  and bankrupted in such a way of making sure that the message was delivered to everyone that for a happy life, you best conform. The result of course was Rwanda wide mindless conformism.

It appears that the dictator failed to realize one thing; that if you do this, you are going to antagonize anyone with a head on his shoulders and some pride in it.  Living in Rwanda means obedience to Kagame thinking at all costs, Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa and his RPF colleagues that survived the Kagame sword simply left the Rwanda to live elsewhere because they failed to succumb to this humiliation.

As for the people remaining behind, most of them are either incapable or unable to leave either because they do not have the necessary qualifications or the courage to do so; but they nevertheless are still unhappy with their lives under a dictatorship.  Indeed, the Kagame dictator is buying new Private and commercial jets for either promoting his own Business Empire or personal pleasure.

Even today, there is a large segment of the Rwandan population; I dare say even the majority, who would emigrate this minute to any neighboring country, if given the chance.

Even those with jobs in public service or private sector do not give their best in anything they do, they don’t perform well in their jobs, and they are always unhappy and on the whole have low productivity. This is not the building block which Kagame needs to build upon his dream Rwanda that he compares to the Singapore of Africa, but it seems, he never realized it.

Instead of realizing that it is a small land locked country with one of the highest population on the continent with small land for his companies, he has forced many Rwandans from their traditional subsistence farming to the RPF artificial commercial food production.

However, this artificial commercial farming and the so called Land consolidation has proved disastrous, the population is forced to grow one type of crop which they cannot even eat themselves. Why should Rwandans be treated like fools to grow Cassava for Kinazi RPF factory for cheap prices and buy the cassava floor from their own cassava for high prices?

Kagame has been very deceitful right from the day one of joining the RPF, he has eliminated all the founders of the RPF Party, and hence he has turned the party into his own private project called Kagame RPF Limited. Rwandans need to rise up and say enough is enough, remember a hungry man is an angry man.

Jacqueline Umurungi



Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSWORLDLadies and Gentlemen, The shocking announcement of  Kagame and his RPF administration’s intent to abolish land ownership , grow one type of crop that will serve the RPF factories has caused terrible hunger and famine to  the population of this tiny land locked country Rwanda was already a country that is one of the densely...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE