Kagame Orders release of Manzi‘s Wife but Manzi’s whereabouts still unknown.
As Inyenyeri was going to the press this evening has learnt from its reliable sources that the Sister in Law of Col. Tom Byabagmba who is the wife of Mr. Manzi has been released by Kagame’s security forces. However the whereabouts of Mr.Manzi is still a mystery. Madam Manzi and her husband were detained in different places and she last saw her husband the day they were both picked from their home by Kagame security forces.
Manzi Byabagamba whereabouts unknown but his 8 months pregnant wife with young child released
All the family of Manzi has been denied the access to their relative, this is a continuation of violation of the Rwandan Constitution and other laws that president Kagame took an Oath to uphold and protect. Articles 17(1) Criminal liability is personal but we find the Kagame Security forces detaining Manzi and his wife with their baby. Article 18(3) stipulates that the Right to be informed of the nature and cause of charges and the right to defense are absolute at all levels and degrees of proceedings before administrative, judicial and all other decision making organs. Article 19(1-2) Every person accused of crime shall be presumed innocent until his or her guilt has been conclusively proved in accordance with the law in a public and fair trial in which all the necessary guarantees for defense have been made available . No one shall be denied the right to appear before a competent judge to hear his/her case.
President Kagame has abused and violated his own laws, he can detain anybody at will, he has assumed the powers of God and he holds the power of life and death. We appeal to all the international human rights organizations and those in Rwanda to pressure the Kagame regime to produce Mr.Manzi to the courts of law if he has the case to answer. We all also urge president Kagame to accord Mr Manzi the constitutional right of legal defense. It is absolute and non- derogable right. We all know that the only Manzi crime is unfortunately being the brother of Col. Tom Byabagamba and Dr. David Himbara respectively who now the bitter enemies of president Kagame.
https://inyenyerinews.info/justice-and-reconciliation/kagame-orders-release-of-manzis-wife-but-manzis-whereabouts-still-unknown/AFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSAs Inyenyeri was going to the press this evening has learnt from its reliable sources that the Sister in Law of Col. Tom Byabagmba who is the wife of Mr. Manzi has been released by Kagame’s security forces. However the whereabouts of Mr.Manzi is still a mystery. Madam Manzi and...Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS