The Great Lakes Human Rights Link has been voicing great concern over serious human rights abuses that have occurred in Rwanda in recent months, we again today issue a strong call on the Government of Rwanda and the Local Administration in Nyanza District especially Mr. Abdullah Murenzi the Mayor of this District that imprisoning innocent people in a youth Rehabilitation Center is not only illegal but morally wrong since the place was designated for young offenders.

Abdalla Murenzi

As I have said above the Mukingo Rehabilitation Center located in Nyanza District was established to cater for the young offenders and to Rehabilitate them, however, the Local administration led by its Mayor Abdullah Murenzi are using these facilities to lock up  people who have not committed any crime,  we call upon the Nyanza Local Administration to give access to all the Humanitarian organizations and independent human rights bodies to visit and talk to these inmates for legal assistance and other humanitarian services.

The Great Lakes Human Rights Link continues to document civilian deaths and injuries in the country. However, we are very concerned that some families have been afraid of speaking out for fear of reprisals.

Given that no official investigations have been conducted, the Great Lakes Human Rights Link urges the Rwandan authorities to ensure that violations of human rights laws are promptly investigated by independent and impartial bodies in order to ensure that victims’ right to justice and remedy is upheld.

The Great Lakes Human Rights Link recommends the Government to establish a national commission of inquiry to look into these allegations and violations of the basic fundamental Human Rights and acts which are inconsistent with the Rwandan Constitution.  The Mayor of Nyanza District should be held accountable for all these violations since he has been not only defending them on the International Media (VOA) but he has been personally cited involved in them

Unfortunately, our recommendations have never been acted upon; we request the Rwandan Government to take immediate interest in these violations or will be equally responsible for its officials who are consistently violating human rights in the name of the official duty.


Noble Marara

Executive Secretary

Great Lakes Humana Rights Link.

Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSWORLDThe Great Lakes Human Rights Link has been voicing great concern over serious human rights abuses that have occurred in Rwanda in recent months, we again today issue a strong call on the Government of Rwanda and the Local Administration in Nyanza District especially Mr. Abdullah Murenzi the Mayor...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE