In Summary: Murangwa Eugene should be investigated for breaching UK Immigration Laws

Inyenyeri News has learnt that Mr Murangawa Eugene breached UK Immigration laws when he lied on his profile background from Rwanda. The IBUKA ASSOCIATION a survivors association for the Rwandan genocide accuses Mr Murangwa Eugene of impersonation as a genocide survivor when he is not and fraudulently obtaining the UK right of abode.

Murangwa a genocide suspect and a genocide victim

Mr. Murangwa Eugene initially came claiming that he was running from the Kagame regime and his parents are HUTUS, while it’s true his father is a Hutu and his mother a Tutsis, never the less, he is not a genocide survivor since he was not hunted by those who were exterminating the Tutsis during genocide. Indeed, a revelation the Inyeneriri has obtained is that Mr. Muranga Eugene was among the Interahamwe group which was armed with guns and other weapons killing the Tutsi and Eugene himself was armed with a gun. The notorious radio RTLM of the former MRND Government was always praising My Murangawa as a hardworking man by its presenter Kantano.

It is therefore imperative that Mr. Murangwa be investigated by both Rwanda and UK governments for the crimes against humanity including genocide committed against the Tutsis in 1994.

Mr. Murangwa Eugene who changed his name to Musangwa Eric to evade the UK Immigration rules, he is a son to Mpagazehe David who originates from Musanze District the former Ruhengeri Prefecture. Before the 1994 genocide he used to play for Rayon Sport as a goal keeper, he is now the leader of the “Diaspora Rwanda” in London and unfortunately he usurped the leadership of the IBUKA protests in LONDON recently.

Mr.Musangwa Eric who is now Murangwa Eugene like many other Rwandans who came to UK on false or genuine reasons some have been bought by Kagame to act as his intermediaries in the criminal acts of Kagame and RPF through UK and Europe. They are not only a threat to those Kagame is hunting but the national security of these respective countries that hosted them.

As UK Government plans new laws to confiscate passports of potential terrorists and stop them travelling to and from Britain to go to Iraq or Syria, so these people who use the UK hospitality to terrorize their fellow Rwandans should be investigated and dealt with according to the UK law.

We therefore request the UK government to do more to stop these people who use this soil to spy for the Kagame regime and to deal decisively with those who are suspected to be engaging in criminal acts on behalf for the murderous regime of Kagame. Whereas it’s true it might be difficult to find evidence for some of the people working for Kagame, never the less the suspects could tracked in order to minimize their criminal acts.

Inyenyeri is still investigating a chain of the big group of Kagame spy masters in UK and Europe who use both areas as s springboard for attacking anybody Kagame is targeting for assassination or posing.  We shall publish a long list of those agents of death of Kagame. Therefore we call upon many Rwandans to be aware of that people like Eugene because they are paid huge sums of money to do all the dirty work for Kagame.  Again the Kagame agents should stand warned that we shall expose them and they will not hide under the cover of darkness to accomplish the criminal actions of their pay master Kagame.

. Murangwa Eugene should be investigated under The Fraud Act 2006 (Section 2-3)


Fraud by false representation (Section 2)

The defendant:

  • made a false representation
  • dishonestly
  • knowing that the representation was or might be untrue or misleading
  • with intent to make a gain for himself or another, to cause loss to another or to expose another to risk of loss.

The offence is entirely focused on the conduct of the defendant.

Fraud by failing to disclose information (Section 3)

The defendant:

  • failed to disclose information to another person
  • when he was under a legal duty to disclose that information
  • dishonestly intending, by that failure, to make a gain or cause a loss.

Like Section 2 (and Section 4) this offence is entirely offender focussed. It is complete as soon as the Defendant fails to disclose information provided he was under a legal duty to do so, and that it was done with the necessary dishonest intent.

Jacqueline Umurungi



Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSIn Summary: Murangwa Eugene should be investigated for breaching UK Immigration Laws Inyenyeri News has learnt that Mr Murangawa Eugene breached UK Immigration laws when he lied on his profile background from Rwanda. The IBUKA ASSOCIATION a survivors association for the Rwandan genocide accuses Mr Murangwa Eugene of impersonation as...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE