In Summary: The RPF is falling apart divided and hijacked by those who will continue to clap hands and let it go like MRND. More RPF officials are being interrogated and watched, surveyed and recorded when speaking on telephone. Rwanda is becoming a police state and  jail for many who are unable to even travel abroad, anxiety has become a chronic illness to those who served or still serving the RPF Government. Gen Tom Byabagamba appointed to head Kami the notorious prison, where Kagame believes that he will head the torture of his brothers to aid more divisions within the army.

When Paul Kagame became the head of Rwandese Patriotic Army which later became Rwanda Defence Forces, he immediately started eliminating his colleagues especially those who questioned his competency or who suggested contrary ideas. Kagame rose from Major to Major General following the elimination of his colleagues, and it all happened because he was trusted by Museveni of Uganda who helped us through to the last minute. Indeed, Kagame was entrusted as the coordinator of politics in the RPA/RPF due to the fact that he was the only one Museveni believed that Kagame was capable of listening due to have been close to afande Fred Rwigema (RIP).  Kagame was not a command soldier and had no clue on what was happening on frontline, the battlefield was all handled by our brave commanders such Afande Ndugute Kalisoliso, Sam Kaka, Kaitare and others, the list is endless.

Capt Vedaste Kaitare

Maj Nduguteyi holding a binocular with his soldiers

Paul Kagame’s behaviour grew from being violent and aggressive to presenting the symptoms of sadism and delusions plus being paranoid all the time. Today as we speak Paul Kagame is self-harming, Self-harm or deliberate self-harm, includes self-injury and self-poisoning and is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions.

The reason we have used an example of self-harming is that Paul Kagame is finishing those who brought him to power, without mentioning the thousands of his colleagues he eliminated over the last 27 years, let’s focus on the current arrests of Retired army Captain David Kabuye the husband to Lt Col Rose Kabuye and Brig. Gen. (rtd) Frank Rusagara.

As explained by Gen Nzabamwita, Kabuye, was picked up on Wednesday, two days after Rusagara’s arrest, there is no doubt that there will be more arrests which will include all the RPF officials who questions or criticises the current system.

Without giving further details, Nzabamwita said the duo was held in connection with State security offences.

“They are both in the hands of criminal investigation agencies,” he said, adding that the suspects’ families had duly been notified and due process was being observed.

He said investigations were still ongoing and that the two men would be produced before the courts of law in due course.

There is panic within the RPF circles where many are subjected to continuous big brother cameras and definitely don’t know who will be arrested the next day.  The detentions of the above Senior RDF Officers have since sparked speculation that the two officers were in touch with subversive elements in the Diaspora.

Brig Nzabamwita said Kabuye and Rusagara are suspected of being “engaged in acts aimed at destabilising the country. That’s why they were arrested and are still under investigation.”

He said the law will take its course irrespective of the officers’ ranks and status, adding, the army believes that the suspects are “innocent until proven guilty.”

Before his detention, Rusagara had just completed his mission as Rwanda’s Defence Attaché to the United Kingdom.

Previously, Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa mentioned the word Munyangire, which means that when Kagame hates someone, he wants everyone serving in his government not to speak with that particular person. And to make things worse Paul Kagame and his men will make sure that, that particular person is isolated and his/her property is confiscated including money, houses or land. It’s more kunyagwa, as history indicates that long ago the batware used to take away everything of anyone who would have betrayed a king. In other words Paul Kagame is a king of Rwanda who should not be questioned about anything but instead all he does to be seen as excellent. The connections between Tutsi families indicates that Kagame will continue to scratch his head because, most of the RPF back benchers are all related either through marriages or direct families, for example Dr David Himbara is a brother to former PPU commander Gen Tom Byabagamba whose movement is always under surveillance reported and at times interrogated, he has been appointed to head the notorious prison of Kami where his brother in law Gen Rusagara may be transferred to spend most of his life. His wife Mary Baine also lost her job recently and remains under the big brother watch, the sister of Himbara and Byabagamba is a wife to the detained Gen Rusagara.

Capt Kabuye with Gen Rusagara


So the arrest of Rusagara means that all the people he has been speaking to will have to be questioned plus his relatives or friends and families. You wonder why people like David Kabuye are being questioned, simply because of Munyangire. Surprisingly when we spoke to the RPF insiders most of them admitted that the whole RPF is worried about the situation. One said that at some point the world will question Janeatte Kagame why as a closer person, who is a wife to the president never sought for psychological help as husband struggles with psychosis.

Another member of RPF admitted that the list of interrogation inside RPF is endless, explained that Bihozagara, Mazimphaka, Rose Kabuye, Gen Sam Kaka and others are being investigated and may be arrested at some point. In the beginning of this curtain I mentioned that Kagame is self-harming, as we remember Kagame has focused on the people that made him who he is today.

Gen Sam Kaka

Col Rose Kabuye wife to David Kabuye  the only officer of RDF who confronted his colleagues and admitted that the shooting of Gen Kayumba was wrong


He has killed, interrogated, tortured and incarcerated them; he does all this believing that it is the right way to keep hold of power, you wonder how all Rwandese will be isolated and only speaks about RPF alone.

A friend of mine was surprised when I read to him the charges that Gen Rusagara is accused of, speaking to renegades who are abroad also who are critics of the current government. The man bust into laughter and asked how that could be bad, he went on to says that actually there was no evidence to prove that Gen Rusagara had communicated with anyone in the opposition. However as he was a writer, historian and a comrade to those who fell out with the government, it wouldn’t be bad communicating to them.

In Gen Rusagara’s case there is a lot to actually laugh about because, when Gen Rusagara left the United Kingdom where he worked as a military attaché, contrarily to other Africans who arrive in Rwanda with containers of cars and television screens computers and microwaves, Rusagara turned up with a container full of tones of books, being a writer he also loves reading books.

And now Gen Jack Nziza’s task is to go through Rusagara’s books, and find some information that will lead to evidences.

Gen Jack Nziza trying to read English

I hope they give him some books to read because really he needs them.  He is an intellectual, a sensible man who is among the few RPF officers who are knowledgeable and with no blood on their hands. It is also most likely that this current Tsunami might not leave any RPF senior officials unshaken, especially historicals who will see Kagame as crossing a red line.

Some of the fallen heroes that still haunts RPF

Noble Marara with an anonymous editor


Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSWORLDIn Summary: The RPF is falling apart divided and hijacked by those who will continue to clap hands and let it go like MRND. More RPF officials are being interrogated and watched, surveyed and recorded when speaking on telephone. Rwanda is becoming a police state and  jail for many who...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE