In summary: Today marks a year since Col Patrick Karegeya was murdered

Col Patrick Karegeya

It’s now a year when Col Patrick Karegeya was murdered by unknown people in the posh hotel in South Africa.
The Great Lakes Human Rights Link is very concerned by the slow investigations of the South African government.
Whereas all the clues lead to the Rwandan government and the prime suspects are well known, there is no tangible follow up on all the suspects that would have helped the South African government in the investigations.

Apollo Kililisi
The Great Lakes Human Rights Link is aware that on the fateful day that Karegeya was murdered Mr. Apollo Kilisisi was with Col Patrick Karegeya who later returned to Rwanda, but the South African government has never sent a formal request on the extradition of Mr Appolo Kilisisi or request the Rwandan government to arrest him as a prime suspect in the murder of Col Partick Karegeya.
Again the Nephew of Col Patrick Karegeya David Batenga was supposed to be with his Uncle but at the last minute cancelled the meeting, why couldn’t the South African government request him to help them in the investigations?
Indeed the death of Col. Patrick Karegeya is an open secret, the Rwandan head of state confessed that the no person will ever betray Rwanda and live, and according to him even those still alive it’s a matter of time.
Does the South African government and the prosecution need any more evidence?
The Great Lakes Human Rights Link is therefore requesting the South African government to speed up the investigations and bring to justice all those involved in the heinous crime of murdering Col Patrick Karegeya, the families and all the Rwandans are equally concerned with the delayed justice of their loved one.

Justice delayed is justice denied.


Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSLATEST NEWSWORLDIn summary: Today marks a year since Col Patrick Karegeya was murdered Col Patrick Karegeya It’s now a year when Col Patrick Karegeya was murdered by unknown people in the posh hotel in South Africa. The Great Lakes Human Rights Link is very concerned by the slow investigations of the South African...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE