When the UK confronted Rwanda on its abhorrent human rights rap sheet at the UPR in Geneva, Rwanda went on the defensive with its usual tricks, denying and bullying the emissary with every non-argument possible, to everyone’s horror, even going as far as dishing out the heartbreaking case of little Madelaine McCann!

To which the UK responded by pulling an easy soft power move in the form of a travel restriction over the COVID-19 pandemic; a polite way of putting Rwanda back in its place, right beside its neighbor Burundi. The UK couldn’t have been clearer. As far as the Commonwealth is concerned, Rwanda, in spite of all its posh and prissy airs, is still no better than the poor neighbor it despises. There’s more than one way to skin a cat as goes the saying.

This slap on Rwanda’s wrist by one of its chief donors came as a complete surprise as Rwanda ranks 6th in the world on the list of countries as far as taking measures tackling the pandemic is concerned.

Government “mouthpiece” igihe.com went on to publish this article titled: “Rwanda agrees to follow recommendations on human rights”

Minister Busingye who must have been summoned over his dull-witted handling of the situation quickly resorted to damage control, ate humble pie, then to save appearances, the Rwandan Government went on to demand “ clarifications “.

Minister Busingye’s concession was followed by the government’s demand for clarification.

This is more like saying “ Ok you win, we concede, our human rights record is terrible, we accept your reprimands and recommendations, now can you please take Rwanda off that travel ban?”

Hopefully, the Commonwealth is going to make sure that real changes will be made as per the UK’s recommendations before taking Rwanda off this travel ban. The people of Rwanda could use more respect for their civil liberties and respite from repression.

Inyenyeri News Group

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