Mr. President,

There have been serious concerns about your health over the past months, and although illness is as much a part of life as good health, your recovery is a matter of utmost importance to our country’s stability. Rwanda is facing an unprecedented crisis if you fail to appoint a competent “officer in charge” to the current situation.

Mr. President, your entourage is distressed and apprehensive of the future, your trustees are particularly dispirited with your daughter’s growing influence on your decisions. 

Bypassing your experienced colleagues and comrades for a minimally talented “princess” is what is creating the chaos that is brooding among genocide survivors.

Your local governance is in crisis, your people are terribly hungry. Entire family incomes have dried up because your government officials are imposing impossible measures on your urban citizens who now resort to overstepping and breaking the law to see to their welfare. If something is not done, there is going to be a surge in crime that could quickly get out of hand.

Your spin doctors have worked hard to affirm Rwanda’s creditworthiness despite the COVID 19 pandemic, but the reality of financial hardship on the ground is truly alarming: businesses are going bankrupt, your tourism industry is in very bad shape, your urban poor urgently need jobs.

Your western allies are giving up on your autocratic economic miracle. Serious journalists such as Michaela Wrong are sounding the alarm on your homicidal regime and your traditional allies are abandoning your sinking ship for its lack of a succession plan. You are losing influence in the Congo mineral trade setting.

The security of western investments under your patronage is in peril. 

Granted, Rwanda is not alone to be facing an impending economic collapse for making precarious investments in unpredictable sectors because of this pandemic but something needs to give and urgently. 

Your people can not be hungry and oppressed at once. That is a recipe for disaster. Now would be the time to soften your grip and create a cabinet that listens to your people’s grievances before imposing draconian measures on them. 

Lastly, considering the appalling incompetence of your government officials in the wake of this pandemic, and the disquiet around your health, it is most important that you take good care of yourself, that you do not exhaust yourself making unnecessary appearances because Fr. Nahimana or so-and-so has alleged of your passing. Rwandans expect you to organize a peaceful transfer of power and that cannot be done in the state of confusion and anxiety surrounding such PR appearances. You must diligently heed your Dr.’s advice.

As the only authority of the land, Rwanda needs you in good health, bodily and mentally.

We wish you a steady recovery.

Noble Marara

London, 07/02/2021 KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSOPINIONPOLITICSMr. President, There have been serious concerns about your health over the past months, and although illness is as much a part of life as good health, your recovery is a matter of utmost importance to our country’s stability. Rwanda is facing an unprecedented crisis if you fail to appoint...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE