The journey for the liberation of Rwanda from dictatorship to democracy has started!

Make no mistake, the Rwandan opposition abroad and inside the country have spent over 24 years assembling  around our freedom cause , we did this in our own disorganized way, which is also our right .

We may not agree on a lot of issues , we may  not see things eye to eye but today, we are in tandem  with Major Sankara’s insurrection message: enough is enough.

It really does not matter  how much mud is thrown at FLN’s Major Sankara by Kigali now !

The smear campaign against him only reflects  the distress and anxiety he is causing our dictator and his stooges .

Major Sankara ‘s insurrection is the first that transcends the ethnic lines in the history of our struggles. What he is really saying is that we are all fed up of Paul Kagame’s tyrannic rule and we need him and his era of terror gone.

Paul Kagame’s dictatorship has  ended already because he cannot  claim to lord it over everyone anymore now no matter what happens to Major Sankara, the people have  found a new moral authority . They have someone they identify with  who is as tired of RPF’s bullying as they are .

The people of Rwanda LOVE Major Sankara’s BRAVERY.


Noble Marara KayitareDEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSOPINIONPOLITICSThe journey for the liberation of Rwanda from dictatorship to democracy has started! Make no mistake, the Rwandan opposition abroad and inside the country have spent over 24 years assembling  around our freedom cause , we did this in our own disorganized way, which is also our right . We may...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE