In Summary: Aime Ntabana who was kidnapped from Kampala and taken to Kigali had advised the inyenyerinews that he was at risk of being killed after his involvement in introducing Col Dan Munyuza to Ronald Gumira.

Col Karegeya was later killed in a Johannesburg hotel on New Year’s Eve 2014

Investigations are still ongoing and more people have been testified including his nephew David Batenga who failed to attend the meeting at the last minute on the day Col Karegeya died.

Ronald Gumira

Colonel Dan Munyuza

Behind The Presidential Curtains has learnt that, Ronald Gumira who still lives in South Africa collaborated with the Rwandan intelligence service to obtain a gun, the mercenaries and received the poisonous liquid as a backup to poison Col Karegeya.

After receiving more copies of audios, Behind the Presidential Curtains confirmed that Ronald Gumira a Rwandan who resides in South Africa, participated in a plan to execute Col Patrick Karegeya.

Colonel Karegeya

Behind the presidential curtains has further obtained more records between Ronald Gumira and Colonel Dan Munyuza, advising to hire mercenaries to shot and kill or poison him with a water chemical which would have been added to his food, Col Patrick Karegeya was later strangled in a South African Posh Hotel at Michelangelo Towers in Johannesburg.

The Rwandan intelligence services had tried to eliminate their former Spy Chief several times without success, although the death of Col. Patrick Karegeya remains under investigations, the finger remains pointed to the Kigali regime, the Rwandan President publicly boasted and celebrated the death of Col. Patrick Karegeya.

In 2010 Col Dan Munyuza had instructed Ronald Gumira to negotiate with the killers, who were capable of using a gun to shot and kill Col Patrick Karegeya. The money to finalise the mission was delivered by Didier Rutembesa who was also a diplomat in the Rwandan high commission in South Africa.

Didier Rutembesa who delivered the poison

The genesis of this murder plan commenced when Col Dan Munyuza was introduced to Ronald Gumira by Ntabana Aime, who is currently a missing person suspected to have been kidnapped by the Rwandan authorities.

Aime Ntabana

The information obtained by behind the presidential curtains indicates that after Ronald Gumira was introduced to Colonel Dan Munyuza, he agreed to work closely together with a plan to receive a ransom later.

The plan was to execute Col Karegeya in his home at Centurion; however, Colonel Karegeya had police protection at the time. This made it even harder for Dan Munyuza and his mercenaries to access the home of Col. Karegeya.

Ronald Gumira’s recordings with Col Dan Munyuza are clearly homicidal, where he designs the idea of how the poison could be put in food, he explained to Ronald Gumira that it’s foam of liquid (water look alike) tasteless and could not be retrieved anyhow. The soft spoken Rwandan with the names of Ronald Gumira was residing in South Africa.

He accepted that the mission will be executed as planned although the two attempts failed, one being the attack at the House and the second being poisoning Col Karegeya’s food.

The following questions remain Unanswered:

Why Ronald Gumira who remains silent in South Africa has never explained who he had hired to kill Col Patrick Karegeya?

How much money he obtained from the Rwandan intelligence service

He has never clarified whether he knew anything to the murder of Col Patrick Karegeya in the Johannesburg hotel

He has never reported to the police that he obtained poisonous liquid brought to him by Rutembesa

He did not report to the police that he hired a gun and the mercenaries to kill Col Karegeya

Finally, he is still in touch with Col Dan Munyuza through a third party (Congolese woman who resides in Uganda).

Whereas, Aime Ntabana who introduced Mr Gumira to Col Munyuza was kidnapped by the Rwandan authorities, and Col Patrick Karegeya was later killed, Ronald Gumira is still alive and communicating with Col Dan Munyuza.

Noble Marara


Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSWORLDIn Summary: Aime Ntabana who was kidnapped from Kampala and taken to Kigali had advised the inyenyerinews that he was at risk of being killed after his involvement in introducing Col Dan Munyuza to Ronald Gumira. Col Karegeya was later killed in a Johannesburg hotel on New Year’s Eve 2014 Investigations are...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE