Grandfather Rutagambwa died a peasant, grandmother Estheri Rutagambwa never gained any sort of qualification in school, even though she attended college to become a house wife. contraliry  to their son and grandchildren who have finally graduated.

Ange Kagame successfully completed her Political Science Course in US
Ange Kagame successfully completed her Political Science Course in US

President Paul Kagame’s second Daughter, Ange Kagame, has some more academic papers to show.

The incrediblly tall and gorgeous Ange over the weekend graduated from Smith College in Massachusetts, in the US with a degree in Political Science and a minor in African studies.

She posted the glorious moments on her social media pages with her friends who in turn poured in congratulatory messages.

In the US she has not been doing studies alone but also carrying her country’s flag in enhancing education sector through the Imbuto Foundation, which together with Bloomberg are implementing a project that aims at using ICT to promote the culture of reading.

Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSGrandfather Rutagambwa died a peasant, grandmother Estheri Rutagambwa never gained any sort of qualification in school, even though she attended college to become a house wife. contraliry  to their son and grandchildren who have finally graduated. Ange Kagame successfully completed her Political Science Course in US President Paul Kagame’s second Daughter,...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE