Police led by Kira Police Station DPC Peter Nkulega arrested Mr Kiggundu at about 10pm last night, for allegedly disregarding court summons.

A rioter throws a tear gas canister at riot

A rioter throws a tear gas canister at riot police. Photo by Abubaker Lubowa.

 KAMPALA- One person was Monday injured as residents of Kasokoso in Kira Town Council Wakiso District rioted to protest the arrest of Hajj Musa Kiggundu, the local chairman of Kiganda zone.

The rioters burnt car tyres and logs in in the middle of several roads in the area the demanding the release of Mr Kiggundu.
One of the rioting youths only identified as Sam said they would not stop rioting until their leader is released without any condition.
Police led by Kira Police Station DPC Peter Nkulega arrested Mr Kiggundu at about 10pmTuesday night, for allegedly disregarding court summons.

“We got a warrant to arrest him and three others after disregarding court summons and we are enforcing the warrant of arrest. I want to assure residents that the four will be arrested even if we are to take months here and they should go back to work,” Mr Sam Bakaleke, the Regional Police Commander Kampala East, said.
Kasokoso has been at the centre of a dispute between residents and National Housing and Construction Company over the planned establishment of a satellite city in the area.
Residents are opposed to the plan.

Placide KayitareLATEST NEWSPolice led by Kira Police Station DPC Peter Nkulega arrested Mr Kiggundu at about 10pm last night, for allegedly disregarding court summons. A rioter throws a tear gas canister at riot police. Photo by Abubaker Lubowa.  KAMPALA- One person was Monday injured as residents of Kasokoso in Kira Town Council Wakiso District rioted to...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE