EU renews sanctions until 31 October 2018
On 23 October 2017, the Council renewed the EU restrictive measures against Burundi for another year until 31 October 2018. These measures consist of a travel ban and asset freeze against four personswhose activities are deemed to be undermining democratic governance and obstructing the search for a peaceful political solution in Burundi. These activities include acts of violence, repression or incitement to violence and acts which constitute serious human rights violations.
The EU remains profoundly concerned by information on continuing extrajudicial executions, arbitrary arrests and detentions, forced disappearances, torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and gender-based violence, including sexual violence committed in Burundi since April 2015. The EU has repeatedly and continuously called on all parties to refrain from and to firmly condemn any acts of violence and to end the cycle of impunity of perpetrators. The respect for the rule of law, built on effective, accountable and inclusive institutions is essential to achieving a lasting political solution to the crisis.
The Council considered that the absence of progress in the situation in Burundi justified the renewal of the sanctions for another year.
The names of the persons concerned and the reasons for listing them are included in the annex to the decision of 1 October 2015 published in the Official Journal.