The rumor mill within Kagame’s opposition has reached seriously worrying levels.  When Kagame’s would-be antagonists make up preposterous rumors that he has died every time the man has a paranoia outbreak or just decides to fly under the radar like all “conflict mineral ” warlords worrying about their loaded bank accounts, is it any surprise that the Rwandan opposition has become a laughing stock? Who in their right mind will take these would-be politicians seriously?

Is this the mediocrity we must scoop to for relevance today?

At this rate, a  clear distinction should be made between Kagame’s opposition and the Rwandan opposition for seriousness’s sake!  

This ridiculous rumor-mongering trend undermines voices within the same opposition who are genuinely advocating for a change of mentalities.

This trend undermines the small but steady steps being made towards freedom of speech. One wonders if the people peddling such rumors are aware that Rwanda is a military autocracy!

What plan do they have for Rwanda should their Kagame’s death fantasy come to pass considering the fact that the institution sustaining the same autocracy would be /will be the same restoring “ order” not only at the moment but probably years ahead!
To think that taking Kagame out of the equation is what will magically fix Rwanda’s problems is shockingly naive and unbefitting for Rwandan politician who wishes to be taken seriously.

Opposing autocracy is about speaking on behalf of the voiceless, on behalf of the oppressed and the hungry; categories which sadly abound among our people. Opposing  Kagame’s autocracy should be about relentlessly reminding the people and their public servants that they have a duty to the republic and not to a personality / General/ President they idolize and/ or fear.

It is serious labor. People have lost lives in this struggle. It is not a place for cheap publicity stunts and upstart politicking.

Noble Marara KayitareLATEST NEWSOPINIONThe rumor mill within Kagame’s opposition has reached seriously worrying levels.  When Kagame’s would-be antagonists make up preposterous rumors that he has died every time the man has a paranoia outbreak or just decides to fly under the radar like all 'conflict mineral ' warlords worrying about their loaded bank...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE