The Vice Chairman of RPF Hon. Christopher Bazivamo was quoted on Flash FM Radio saying that Tutsis have also reciprocated in the same kind by apologizing for the atrocities they committed against the Hutus. He mentioned some of them, as Protais Mitali and Agnes Kalibata. According to him these are Tutsis that are representing the Tutsis. What a mismatch of words, and distortion of facts and our history. Interestingly Mr. Bazivamo tries to convince the Radio presenters and of course the listeners that Agnes Kalibta and Protais Mitali represent all the Tutsis. Obviously Mr. Bazivamo indifferently or deliberately is trying to convince his audience that the bad history of Rwanda starts from 1990 -1994

I would argue that, this is not only misleading but also building a storied house without a strong foundation. Indeed, the couple he mentions never went public, according to him, they apologized during the retreat. Who was there to witness it? Why the Tutsi community sent the delegation of Ages Kalibata and Protais Mitali?  Why in the first place the architects of the Ndi Umunyarwanda project don’t come out and tell the Rwandan people that so and so will represent Hutus or Tutsis respectively?

When the Ugandan government re-instated the Kingdoms that were abolished by the Obote regime in 1966 Uganda crisis that saw the first Uganda president Sir Edward Mutesa  going to exile, some Kingdoms were not allowed to operate and one of them is the Ankore Kingdom. When the some Ankore Royalists started to make bitter statements against president Musveni, he told them that he is the Sabagabe. Literally meaning that he is the head of the Monarchy of the Ankore Kingdom.

Why then the Sabatutsi who is the President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame doesn’t come out on behalf of the so called Tutsi and apologize. Infarct if he does so, people will take this project very seriously because he is accused of many crimes against Hutus both inside Rwanda and in Congo which interestingly he has publicly confessed.  Why should he then send Agnes Kalibata or Protais Mitali who do not even know how handle or assemble a gun or any part of the gun?

For sure, the likes of Boniface Rucagu, Christopher Bazivamo or any other group might   know what they did, for Rucagu to be precise coming out and apologize; it would not surprise me or any Rwandan. He has been implicated in many case s of genocide, and as one of the proprietors of the notorious Radio RTLM. Does this mean that Mr. Bazivamo loosely lost his tongue or lost it completely? In fact his name literally means someone with loose tongue.  Will the RPF disown him in future if they find out that this man had gone too far? Or crossed a red line, as his boss sometimes says that if you want to argue with him, there is a line you can’t cross, otherwise he will wait for you at a right place and time and hit you.

This has reminded me when the then President Pasteur Bizimungu resigned or was forced to resign, the current Ambassador to Japan Mr. Charles Murigande, at the time was a RPF Secretary General, he praised Mr Bizimungu as a man who selflessly worked for RPF in thick and thin times, but RPF was not happy with these praises when Mr, Bizimungu started a new political party (Ubuyanja).  The RPF and Kagame said that Murigande was speaking as an individual and his views were personal and not reflecting those of RPF.

For us who knew RPF where not surprised but what surprises though is that many Rwandans especially those in the government don’t learn any lesson.  Is this the politics of traps as described by Dr. David Himbara?  Kagame might be digging traps to many of his ministers and some individuals that are trying to either opportunistically exploit the situation or are part of the cover-up of the system. Kagame is smearing blood to every individual that is in his government in the same way, the previous regimes trapped many Rwandans in Genocide.  Apparently Kagame has invested huge sums of money he robs from the Rwandan community in propaganda and clandestine projects.

Many Rwandans cannot afford to take their children to school, the Medical insurance scheme does not help the poor, instead  it has become a show off to the donors and outsiders that Rwanda is the best country on the continent  as far as the ,medical insurance is concerned. The figures are misleading, if you go on the ground, deep in the villages without escorts of the Kagame and Rucagu Intore, or local leaders, there you will discover the truth, people are forced to sell their goats, chicken, others are imprisoned. The government has scraped the University bursary, yet the Kagames and his family or his officials are living a luxury life.

While the politics of ethnicity is predominantly for the elites where they fight for their posts in the name of their tribes men, they nervier serve them, once they have these big posts, they drive big cars, good houses, take their children abroad for good education, they get good medical services from aboard when their respective groups are either starving, dying of lack of medical care.  They dine on wines in Village Urugwiro together, and they come out with shameless faces telling Rwandans that they represent them. It is not surprising therefore, that Mr. Bazivamo is a priest who serves the God and the devil and with this loose language I’m profoundly disturbed at a statement from such a senior RPF Official to one community of Rwandans against another.

Jacqueline Umurungi

Brussels. KayitareAFRICAThe Vice Chairman of RPF Hon. Christopher Bazivamo was quoted on Flash FM Radio saying that Tutsis have also reciprocated in the same kind by apologizing for the atrocities they committed against the Hutus. He mentioned some of them, as Protais Mitali and Agnes Kalibata. According to him these...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE