Sumar and Marara

Long ago there was a fierce man called King Minos so terrifying he was creepy as a witch with a wart. The reason why the whole village was scared was because he owned the most terrifying monster. He could run fast, fiercely and breathe out fire noisily and fiercely. His favourite food is humans he could eat twenty people in one day, He can grin fiercely.

Sumar is strong man he was grateful until he heard about this monster called Marara, He didn’t like this hateful monster so he was determent to kill it.

Sumar meets a powerful god called Zeus. He gives a special power speical eye sight. Mararas outrageous birds in the way of Sumar so Sumar got out his sword, and stabbed them both outrageously! Once he got to the Jungle he heard something what was that? he didn’t know. He got closer… and closer…  and closer… until he got face to face with the monster!


So the fight began Sumar vs Marara. Marara breathed out fire noisily on Sumar.

Sumaar fell over Sumar got up bravely, Then Marara started running so Sumar couldn’t get him and then stopped running fast then Sumar picked Marara up and threw him on a tree then stabbed him, but that did not stop Marara to arrest silly Sumar.

Sumar travelled back slowly because he almost fell over then once got back to the village they were all very happy. Because when the king wasn’t very happy with them he couldn’t do any harm.

 By Evan Marara KayitareAFRICASumar and Marara Long ago there was a fierce man called King Minos so terrifying he was creepy as a witch with a wart. The reason why the whole village was scared was because he owned the most terrifying monster. He could run fast, fiercely and breathe out fire noisily...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE