Image result for rwanda president kagame private jet

We have just learned by our trusted source that President Paul Kagame will be in Mozambique on an official visit from October 24 until October 25, 2016.

As we have said many times, When Mr Paul Kagame leaves Rwanda he transports in his private jet his henchmen among his delegates, these are the people who specifically assigned to carry out his dirty job: assassinations, kidnapping etc.

We want to alert the Rwandans who fled Rwanda Patriotic Front Regime not to fall into the trap of Mr Paul Kagame and his Intore militia in Mozambique.

They use fear and other forms of intimidation to make Rwandan refugees believe that the Mozambique government will repatriate them forcefully. As it has been noted numerous times, these killings occur after his (PK) official visit is over.

Rwandans remember very well during the world cup, there was a failed assassination attempt against General Kayumba Nyamwasa in June 2010.

Mr Theogene Turatsinze died also in mysterious way and his body was found in the river. Col Patrick Karegeya was assassinated in South Africa on December 31, 2013 after Kagame had been in SA when President Mandela died on December 5, 2013.

The planning of all these heinous acts were coordinated in Mozambique. We have also learned the list of people in Mozambique who may be hosting these criminals. Rutabana Jean de Dieu is well-known for smuggling the killers into the country.

The following Rwandese who live in Mozambique (Maputo) are facilitating the infiltration and deployment of killers from the Rwanda Spécial Force and the Républican Guard: Bonaventure Jean Habimana, Louis Baziga, Gabriel Bahati, Jean bosco nsabimana,  Vital Hitimana alias general, Damien Bongwanubusa, Bonaventure Muvandimwe, Anthere Bahufite, Pastor Samuel Usengimana.



By Byukusenge Paul KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSTRUTH & RECONCILIATIONWORLDWe have just learned by our trusted source that President Paul Kagame will be in Mozambique on an official visit from October 24 until October 25, 2016. As we have said many times, When Mr Paul Kagame leaves Rwanda he transports in his private jet his henchmen among his delegates,...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE