Corruption is so embedded that evidences do not account any more in Paul Kagame’s Regime.

The Government of Rwanda has been praised by the western countries as a government which implemented the fair justice system, to the extent of even trying to bargain for the Genocide suspects to be transferred from Arusha to Rwanda. However this was not possible as some of the judges could not be convinced by the way this so called Justice will be conducted. The justice system in Rwanda is only focused on what the Akazu decides; AKAZU means small house which is full of the family and the only trusted people surrounding the president Mr Paul Kagame. These people from the Akazu are made up of the trusted army officials such as Gen Jack Nziza or the in-laws of President Paul Kagame and his wife Janette Kagame. Among Kagame’s in-laws who are becoming a problem for the whole nation is Richard Murefu. I first saw this man in the early 90’s he had also came to join us during the revolution war to liberate Rwanda, during this time he was among the people who could not be sent to the front line, simply because he was an in-law for the top man Paul Kagame and he was very weak, due to his height of 6.6 ft he was among the hungry ones and as we can all recall that at that time we had not enough food. So at that time we needed to ‘tighten the belt’ which did not include Richard Murefu, he was kept behind like anybody else who had a connection to the top men at that time in order to save them from death.

The Rwanda Patriotic Front point program involved 1st Point: Restoration of Unity among Rwandans, 2nd Point: Defending the Sovereignty of the Country and Ensuring the Security of People and Property. 3rd Point: Establishing Democratic Leadership, 4th Point: Promoting an Economy Based on the Country’s Natural Resources 5th Point: Fighting Corruption, Favouritism, Embezzlement of National Resources and Any Other Fraudulent Practices, 6th Point: Improvement of the Living  Standards in Rwanda, 7th Point: Eliminating All Causes for Fleeing the Country and Returning Of Rwandan Refugees, 8th Point: Promoting International Relations Based On Mutual Respect, Cooperation, and Mutually Beneficial Economic Exchanges and 9th Point: Fighting Genocide and Its Ideology. Like many RPF point programmes, many of these points were abandoned which has caused all of the chaos Rwandans are experiencing today, the 5th point Fighting Corruption, Favouritism, Embezzlement of National Resources and Any Other Fraudulent Practices was harshly abused where by Kagame’s in-laws have taken the country for granted. Richard Murefu is now considered the richest man in Rwanda, the man who lived under his mother’s roof until Rwanda was captured well into his forties with no wife or children.

Among the victims of Kagame and his trusted surroundings is Mr Gerald Kalimunda a Rwandan citizen, who paid tax and owned a successful business until the last days of his life. He was kidnapped in 1994 during Genocide by an RPF soldier known only by his first name of Adam and Mr Kalimunda was never seen again until today. In those days it was normal for someone to disappear especially those with Rwandan origin because it was simply explained as adui which means enemy from the language of Swahiri that was commonly used by the RPF soldiers during those days whenever they wanted to eliminate someone for either their own interest. Mr Kalimunda was a successful businessman who had small scale industries, shops, wholesale shops and land. After the war he was deceased and so his family struggled to maintain their properties as the RPF officials wanted to grab their land, unfortunately their land being in the middle of the capital Kigali it caused a very hard time for them as every RPF official wanted a share of it. Richard Murefu Kagame’s in-law with the help of his sister Janette Kagame, they decided to use one of Kalimunda’s children to claim the land from the next of kin who had a different mother, in Rwanda the next of kin is the one who decides after the deceased passes away however in this case of Mr Kalimunda the government got involved just to force the one of their interest in order for Mr Murefu Kagame’s in law to get the land on a cheap. The Government officials used FINA BANK Kigali to claim an unknown debt frws 406.269.710 or us$ 666,015.91 ($1=frws610) or former BACAR. The first thing the RPF did after their arrival in Kigali was to change the names of banks and invest money in them, they made sure that they had 60% in every strong bank in Rwanda which helped them to freeze anyone’s money that they thought was making them uncomfortable. By this I mean that being rich or well off when you are not an RPF supporter was akin to a crime.

Mr Kalimunda’s family tried everything in order to save their fathers land and business: legal cases were conducted but with no positive outcome due to Rwanda’s poor justice system.  Mr Kalimunda’s family commenced the cases early 1997: Part 1 Cases  of  1997- 2001: For 15 years Kalimunda’s family  were traumatized and harassed by the Paul Kagame’s regime for simply owning a property that is owned by the “unwanted”. They still live in fear in the heart of Kigali city, but on everyday struggle since they cannot operate their business effectively.
The Rwanda Legal system is so corrupt beyond imagination that if this family had to write the whole story, according to them it would cover over 5000 pages. The amount of money they have spent on lawyers and loss of business income is well beyond us$ 2,500,000. On May 12, 1997 Bacar/Fina Bank decided to illegally auction a property that is Located in Kigali No 517 without answering  a case this family had submitted since 1998.

1.Bacar had claimed that they owed them Frws 18,588,918 case RC 13.265/88
2.Kalimunda Gerard responded to the court on 29/10/1992 claiming that Bacar owed him Frws 46,822,456 on just one account that was 2-223004-3070-73, other   15 ghost accounts that were opened by Bacar were in question.  These were the ghost accounts created by the Kagame and his surroundings in order to enrich themselves.
1.      At that time Mr. Kalimunda wanted to know who had authorized those accounts to be opened.
2. The Identifications and signatures to the ghost accounts
3. Terms and Condition of the ghost accounts
4. Date and time of opening

There has been NO RESPONSE FROM BACAR OR THE COURT due to the ghost accounts created by the government officials and the (Akazu ).

In 1997, Bacar bank decided to offer Mr Kalimunda’s land title to BCDI bank without their knowledge; in return they paid Bacar an unknown amount.
The auction moved forward and was later stopped because of pending litigations of case rc13.265.88

This case RC 13.265.88 was never heard until they received a letter from Bacar’s lawyer Kazungu Jean:

1.Bosco on July 23 1999, that this case was settled.
2.Bacar also agreed to stop the litigation case No RCaa 0003/05/cs ( page 3 first Paragraph) done July 15, 2005.
By then we thought, Bacar and now the new owner FINA of BACAR had stopped litigation instead. Now they are claiming that this family owes a debt of frws 406.269.710 or $ 666.015.91USD ($1=frws610) or former BACAR.

1.Can Fina Bank/Bacar give Kalimunda’s family a contract for that debt of frws 406.269.710; if it’s a debt
2. Terms and condition of the loan; if it’s a loan
3. Date and Time that it was signed; if it was signed
4. Who agreed to that debt frws 406.269.710; if the person is alive?
5. What is the purpose of this loan if it’s a loan
‘’Clearly we expect no answer, because the above questions cannot be answered’’.

Part 2 Cases of 2001 – until today

After The Kidnapping of Kalimunda Gerard in July of 1994, clearly you would think Kalimunda Gerard would not exist anymore until you see a case that Kalimunda Gerard came to court 2001 in Ruhengeri. In case R.C.A. 6302/R14/Ruh and R.C.A. 6261/R14/Ruh. Vs The 1969 divorcee,
following questions were raised:

  1. The man was gone in 1994, how can he possibly be alive in 2001 ?
  2.  Who signed the summons for him or did he sign it himself?
  3. Who represented Kalimunda Gerard vs. his 1969 Divorcee?
  4. How does a judge write a judgment on a person who is not in court?
  5. Was the court room empty? Or just the 1969 divorcee?

When Mr. Kalimunda’s family questioned the Ruhengeri court about the outcome, they replied on 13/9/2011 saying that “it was over the judge had came up with the final decision.”

These questions raise even more questions:

  1. How can a civil case be over when Fraud is involved?
    2. Is today’s Rwanda Regime protecting criminals? All of these questions lie to Mr Kalimunda’s family.

Before the war. Kalimunda Gerard was a granted a divorce from a woman he had seen prior to 1969. The case no. RCA 224/79 on 21/11/1979, where the divorcee was accused of prostitution and abandoning her home. The case was finalized and publicized on Government Gazette Sept 15, 1990, Ten years later the divorcee went back to court to re-do the case.
According to Rwandan law at that time, the accused has only 15 days to re-do a case after ten years, Anyone knows that when a judge decided to go above the law, it becomes unconstitutional. We have argued that it is unconstitutional of civil servants where they become civil thugs and before Kalimunda Gerard past away he had said the same argument.

 Before Mr Kalimunda was kidnapped he had instructed in his for this house be inherited by his son Denis Karangwa.

On May 25, 1981, Kalimunda Gearad wrote a will and now Paul Kagame’s regime has thrown it away and stated that Kalimunda Gerard had two wives. What this regime forgot is that in our culture a will is a will and has to be respected it does not matter how long it takes so as long as everything is documented.


Kalimunda Gerard married Nyirakanama Marciana 1970. The divorcee left in 1969 with a man named MUVUNYI ARON. So how is that a marriage of two women? According to Richard Murefu, who is Paul Kagame’s brother in-law, also desperately wanting to auction all the assets that Kalimunda Gerard and Nyirakamana Marciana had built since 1970 to one of his “third party” companies with help of Hakizimana alphonse , now with a new name as “kalimunda” Hakizimana Alphonse. Richard Murefu has sought help from civil servant Mukandamage Marie Jose (now awarded   as a judge in supreme court) her husband Karangwa Portais, Mugenzi Lui – Marie Jose (awarded as a judge in supreme court) helped to change Hakizimana alphonse to legally change his name to “Kalimunda Hakizimana alphonse” however, a will written by Gearld Kalimunda on May 25, 1981, its clear that he did not have a son by that names of Hakizimana. This name was changed in January 30, 2008 by a case RC 0288/07/tb/Gtmba saying that, he was named since birth of 24/October/1954. So did his own father write Hakizimana Alphonse 1981 at the will or the county registration has Hakizimana Alphonse? This family wants answers to this question before Kagame and his Akazu auctions their belongings. Because this is part of the everyday’s corruption that has been going on for years. Since 2001, this family argued this case many times, appeals over appeals, The corruption is so embedded that evidence does not account any more in Paul Kagame’s Regime. With Richard Murefu’s Partners they have instructed the supreme court not to hear this family’s case, claiming that, Kalimunda Gerard  and Central Motor & Parts do not have properties valued over Frws 20,000,000. (us$1=frws610) or $32,000.
An Independent appraisal indicated a value of 299,140,230 (1us$=frws610) or US $ 490,393.81. The case was written RCaa 0127/10/cs on March 16, 2012. How does a court of law reject a case when all evidences are presented or not even conduct an investigation to satisfy the defendant?

The corruption does not end there, Richard Murefu instructs what Rwandan lawyers should say and not to say, case and point. A Kigali Lawyer named KAYITARE Serge decided to go to court and saying that he, Represented Kalimunda Gerard’s Children in case no RCA 0221/09/HC/KIG. On April 20, 2012 this family wrote to this lawyer Kayitare Serge requesting the rights to represent KARIGIRWA EDINATH or Kalimunda Gerard’s children.

Nearly 60 days have gone by and this family does not expect to get an answer, because all these case were not real.

The atrocities that are in the Rwandan courts are beyond imagination, this is why many Rwandans flee their homes and country due to corruption and dictatorship. This is how some of the “new riches” are being made in Rwanda. This family concluded by requesting for a country of laws and respect for the will Kalimunda Gerard wrote 1981. According to his will, all his children were awarded, in Rwandan culture children can only inherit once both parents are deceased. Now that Mr. Kalimunda’s wife is still alive the government of Rwanda and Richard Murefu should step aside and leave the matter to Mr Kalimunda’s family. All evidences in regards to Mr Kalimunda’s family case which have been continously rejected by the court can be easily found on the family website this article was written by Mr Kalimunda’s family, Mr Richard Murefu’s historical background and the RPF point programme was obtained with the help of the anonymous veterans.

edited by

Rwema Francis




 . KayitarePOLITICSCorruption is so embedded that evidences do not account any more in Paul Kagame’s Regime. The Government of Rwanda has been praised by the western countries as a government which implemented the fair justice system, to the extent of even trying to bargain for the Genocide suspects to be transferred...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE