The  make believe liberation of opposition amazon Victoire Ingabire has not finished making waves in the Rwandan political circle.

We have spent years demanding change in Rwanda and Mr Kagame can deny  being pressurized to liberate political prisoners all he wants  but the fact of the matter is that his tyranny and appalling abuse of human rights is a source of  embarrassing left handed compliments and shame at the high tables where he enjoys to sit.

He is facing the  consequences of his  repressive rule.

Thanks to Mr Kagame’s over indulging absolutism  Rwanda has reached the sort of impasse that can no longer be quietly swept under the rug .


While it  is no longer possible for him to disappear  and murder Rwandans and have it go unnoticed ,it is astounding that Mr Kagame and consorts  think it is possible to continue ruling Rwanda forever with no accountability ; just as it is  delusional of  extremists to think they can pick up where they left their dark agenda in 1994!

Rwanda belongs to Rwandans . Whoever they are , wherever they are .

We  ought to  take a step back and  reflect on the sanity of our nation  and the future of our country .

The ambiguity of  the struggle ahead  can be avoided if we all  target democracy, avoid repeating the same mistakes  and postpone the power struggling and scores settling to post democratic Rwanda.

Indeed  our fighting for power will keep taking us from one dictatorship to another.

There are no winners  in a dictatorship, we all lose.

The oppressor is a loser  and the oppressed is breeding ground  for revolt …and revenge.

Let us make the Rwanda of a one man rule a thing of the past .

Let us  give Rwanda’s institutions a chance to work for its people.

Let us restore dignity and respect for human life .


Noble Marara KayitareOPINIONPOLITICSThe  make believe liberation of opposition amazon Victoire Ingabire has not finished making waves in the Rwandan political circle. We have spent years demanding change in Rwanda and Mr Kagame can deny  being pressurized to liberate political prisoners all he wants  but the fact of the matter is that...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE