Kagame with wifeMadam Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame’s frequent shuttles to and from America raised a lot of suspicion and creates many unanswered questions in most Rwandan quarters. Some assert that she is ducking under diplomatic immunity to ferry President Kagame’s ill stolen money to America.

Letter from the north: PAUL KAGAME TREATED FOR BIPOLAR DISORDER. paul-kagame1Others insinuated that she is a shopaholic who only lands in Rwanda to collect millions of dollars from Lueshite/Gold rich Kagame to lavish in America on shopping sprees and stash the blood money within American accounts. Assuming that the latter holds water, the former is definitely unfathomable given America’s uncompromising position against money laundering especially into their own backyard. The American intelligence would have sniffed her on her first attempt and nets put in place to trap her. The question now remains why is she frequently ferrying back and forth to America?

President “Baba” Paul Kagame is suffering from bipolar disorder and he was treated by a specialist in America in the early 2000. Since Paul Kagame’s disease was uncovered by an American specialist, he needed someone to be collecting his medication for him whenever it runs low.  And Kagame being the Kagame he is, he does not trust anyone in collecting his medication for him from America apart from his ‘sexy’ wife. He gave two reasons for not trusting anyone else but Jeannette Kagame.

On the one hand, he feared that if someone apart from Jeannette Kagame was to be entrusted with such a private errand, it will be leaked to the public and he does not want his illness to be blown out of proportion or even made public. On the other hand, he feared that his medication will be substituted with poison by his enemies to get rid of him. As a result, Jeannette Kagame is the only suitable candidate to run this errand for him; hence the main reason for her many visits to America.

What is a bipolar disorder?

Bipolar brain

Bipolar disorder which is at times refers to as either manic-depressive disorder or manic depression can be described as a mental illness termed as a mood disorder by psychiatrists. Persons with bipolar disorder encounter episodes of a turbulent mood branded as mania alternating with episodes of depression. It is important to note that a person suffering from this illness experiences varied levels of severity. At the milder level, the person appears to be energetic and excitable whereas at the severe level, he or she succumbs to erratic and impulsive behaviour often making poor decisions as a result of unrealistic ideas about the future, and may also experience great difficulty in sleep. In other words, such persons can also experience much distorted beliefs about the world known as psychosis.

A closer review of President “Baba” Paul Kagame’s unexplained erratic behaviours and incoherent ranting which lacks any relevance to Rwanda’s socio-economic and political need have the signs and symptoms of manic episodes all over it. Mania is generally regarded as the defining feature of bipolar disorder. It is a notice able period of aggravated or irritable mood which can take the form of euphoria and often last a week. When Paul Kagame speaks, one can clearly detect that he is exhibiting a pressured speech and racing thoughts. This is aptly manifested in the inconsistency of his thoughts when addressing any political forum particularly when he is not reading from a written speech.

Ample instances of such can be traced in his recent concluded meet the people tour during which “Baba” Paul Kagame appalled his audiences by making silly utterances such as his “Imihigo project” and youth connect Nazi utterances; the butcher of Kigali has been showing enormous signs of an individual suffering from a bipolar disorder, a picture that his dictatorial mind has been experiencing erectile dysfunction due to   murderous crimes that he has been committing since his youth days.

Paul Kagame frequently experiences low attention span and gets easily distracted. When he descends into a manic state, his judgement becomes impaired with aggressive behaviours, intolerant and even intrusive in nature. Paul Kagame’s bipolar disorder has increased his sexual drive; this is evident to how his jealous and heartless wife does not allow any woman near him. Paul Kagame is now in a state of manic episode, and he feels out of control and unstoppable.

The Rwandan dictator even believes that he has been “chosen” and “on a special mission” that is why he has become the greatest erratic ruler in the last two decades, with grandiose or delusional ideas like his Agaciro scheme, M23 dream, Rwanda to be the next Singapore and all Rwandans have become millionaires under his regime, such are the behaviours of our self styled General. That is why he often asserts that nobody can do anything to remove him from power. He believes, in his delusional mind, that he is “special” with “special powers”. To suppress their anxiety those with bipolar disorder indulge in substance abuse. Precisely that is why Paul Kagame takes solace in human right abuses and economic crimes.

The Rwandan constitution Article 107 states that in the event of incapacity of the president of the Republic, the president is replaced in an acting capacity by the president of the senate. It is now an established fact that “Baba” Paul Kagame is suffering from bipolar disorder and that Jeanette Nyiramongi Kagame travels to America regularly to collect his medication. Common sense teaches that whenever a leader becomes incapacitated by an illness which interferes with his or her ability to lead justly and make sound judgement, him or her hands over power to a care-taker government to run the affairs of the state. Paul Kagame currently suffers from a bipolar disorder an illness which seriously impairs his judgement and affects his mental state of being fit to govern and lead the nation.

However, dictator Kagame has chosen to continue running the affairs of the state despite suffering from bipolar disorder, his actions are plunging Rwanda into further economic and political hardships. His poor judgement and erratic mood swings have earned him further isolation from the international community and eventually Rwanda is becoming ungovernable. Rwanda is now broke, the country has the highest tax system in Africa that targets the poor, highest unemployment among the educated in East Africa, lowest funds from the national budget to its agriculture sector that employs 80% of its population, a domicile parliament whose members are being paid for definitely doing nothing and the country has been mortgaged at high interest rate with European investors. Rwanda is in state of affairs that all hell is soon breaking loose in a popular uprising against the butcher.

Paul Kagame keeps saying that he will not leave without a fight; this folly will not bear him any good return but a disgraceful and brutal end. In life some simple acts of good will and sacrifice often produce lasting peace and enviable results. Perhaps, if he chooses to let go of power now due to health reason, who knows, Rwandans may forgive him on some of his crimes based on humanitarian grounds. So that he may then concentrate on having full medical care and recover rather than trying to joggle treatment with running the affairs of a state. By refusing to resign his medical condition will get worse and the state of affairs of Rwanda will sink deeper into a devastating level of carnage and human destruction.

By a Correspondent


https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Kagame-with-wife.jpg?fit=240%2C151&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Kagame-with-wife.jpg?resize=110%2C110&ssl=1Placide KayitarePOLITICSMadam Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame’s frequent shuttles to and from America raised a lot of suspicion and creates many unanswered questions in most Rwandan quarters. Some assert that she is ducking under diplomatic immunity to ferry President Kagame’s ill stolen money to America. Others insinuated that she is a shopaholic who...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE