Kagame ‘s megalomania will be his defeat!
In spite of all the resources mobilized to polish , shine and refine his name and image ,
the fact remains that in the great lakes region his name always has a way of turning up every time there is a problem. Proxy rebels in Congo ? Ask Kagame . Insecurity in Uganda ? Kagame is pulling the strings . Unrest in Burundi and political assassinations ? Of course it has Kagame written all over it! Agitation in Tanzania ? Kagame is trying to export his repression .
In Rwanda , his ideologists have elevated him to the rank of a deity ! An old woman who had been coached to flatter him once called him Jesus ‘s twin and he was so pleased he did not discourage her blasphemy.
According to his Henchmen , his goons and yes men , Rwanda’s own gift from God!
They will have the world believe that Rwanda as a nation did not exist before Kagame, that he single handedly resurrected Rwanda .
Kagame ‘s propaganda machine is well oiled and still running smoothly but the truth about what a cruel human being he is , the truth about his murderous nature , his greed, his deceitfulness and hypocrisy are also out there looking for him.
It is only a matter of time before he is discovered because even though he is a very good planner, even though he may be sure to have left nothing to hazard , that he has covered for himself from every angle, his megalomania will not allow him a discreet exit.
Everyone can already see through his false modesty. The west was once lenient and forgiving but they are also exasperated by his pretentious temperament.
He has given his allies everything they asked of him in his desperate attempt to secure a permanent seat at their round table but because he doesn’t deserve it , there is nothing he will ever give that will guarantee him the acceptance he is so keen to secure!
It is good to sit at the honors table , but it is even better to know when it is time to leave . Kagame does not understand that . He is willing to do all he can to stay at the honors table, and that is what will lose him like so many before him.
Noble Marara
https://inyenyerinews.info/politiki/kagame-s-megalomania-will-be-his-defeat/https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/DGYaYL0XkAAR2RN.jpg?fit=960%2C636&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/DGYaYL0XkAAR2RN.jpg?resize=140%2C140&ssl=1AFRICAOPINIONPOLITICSIn spite of all the resources mobilized to polish , shine and refine his name and image , the fact remains that in the great lakes region his name always has a way of turning up every time there is a problem. Proxy rebels in Congo ? Ask Kagame ....Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS