General Paul Kagame,
President of the Republic of Rwanda
B.P.15 Kigali – RWANDA.
Dear Sir,
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In direct reference to your published article “Rwanda’s democracy is still the model for Africa” of 19th August 2010, I beg to disagree with you as your close friends the Americans also reminded you through their White House statement of Friday 13th August 2010 Mr. President that, “Democracy is about more than holding elections.”
Unfortunately, August 09th 2010 was yet another missed chance for the people of Rwanda to take a step forward towards peace and reconciliation. It was a missed opportunity for all peace loving people of this world to see a step taken in the right direction to correct the bloody past wrongs in Rwanda and aim at the much needed reconciliations in the hearts of all Rwandans. It was a missed chance by all people who have Rwandans at heart, foreign governments and international organisations to stamp down their feet and demand for peace, justice and respect for all the people of Rwanda. I am talking about a ridiculous claim that you won the Rwandan election with 93% of the vote in the just concluded Rwandan elections.
You very well know that the 09th August 2010 sham elections in Rwanda were elections where the poor people of Rwanda were herded in an exercise to legitimise your disguised bloody, autocratic rule against the people of Rwanda where the only choices they had on their voting ballot papers were Kagame against Kagame. Not to mention all the intimidations and atrocities committed to your real political opponents in the run up to these elections, the fear that was boiling in the hearts of the Rwandese people when they were being herded in these voting lines, can only be explained by the beheaded picture of the late Andre Rwigasira the Vice President of Green Party of Rwanda, an opposition politician who had dared to oppose you politically just days before these sham elections.
Quoting your article you said, “While few doubt my country’s rapid social and economic progress, too many observers are blind to the successes of our political evolution.” Mr. President while I insist that this rapid social development and economic progress you are boasting of should be relative; it cannot at all replace the fundamental human rights of peaceful co-existence of all the people of Rwanda in their country. Before you started causing havoc on the country of Rwanda in 1990, when you started shelling its innocent people from Uganda with big sophisticated weapons and big guns, all this social development and the economic progress was there in Rwanda at even a faster rate than you would want people who do not know these facts to believe. People who know Rwanda can bail me out on this.
As for successes of your political evolution you are claiming Mr. President, I am short of words to understand what you mean by that. In Uganda where you started your political and military carrier Mr. President, you were no good model for any civilised leader. Your job in the Museveni’s bloody armed struggle of 1981 – 1986, was well defined as a merciless executioner who would not tolerate any dissenting view either from within or from outside. That is why you were rightly nicknamed “pilato” after the famous biblical Pontius pilato. Is killing or imprisoning who ever does not agree with you politically the new brand of political evolution you are shamelessly sowing on the African continent and boasting of in these modern times of the 21st century?
You continued Mr. President, “It is important to look at the challenges my country has faced, healing the deep-seated wounds of a shattered society in need of both justice and reconciliation. No country has moved from genocide to confrontational politics overnight.” You are talking of the shattered society, Mr. President in 1990 – 1994. If I may politely ask, when you were taking the lead in shattering this same society you are claiming to protect, why didn’t it occur to you that you were being extremely greedy and reckless at that time? How was the innocent blood you were spilling and the society you were shattering then any different from the blood and today’s society?
But Mr. Kagame, did you have any other better political programs for the Rwandan people while preparing your Rwanda invasion before 1990 with Yoweri Museveni in Uganda? I am asking this because you seem to be tagging each and everything in Rwanda on the 1994 Rwanda genocide. You cannot let people speak freely in Rwanda because of the genocide, you cannot let televisions, radios and printed newspapers report the truth freely because of the genocide, you cannot let people assemble and demonstrate freely because of the genocide, you cannot let opposition political parties register to oppose you during elections because of the genocide; Mr. President, how long are going to oppress people because of this genocide weapon?
According to UN secret reports, evidence on record in the Arusha ICTR, Rwandese witnesses Abdul Ruzibiza (RPF), Jean Pierre Mugabe (RPF), Alphonse Furuma (RPF), Aloys Ruyenzi (RPF), Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere of France, Judge Fernando Andreu Merelles of Spain, and International Lawyers, John P. Zelbst, Prof. Peter Erlinder, Kurt P. Kerns in the United States of America District Court of Oklahoma, and all new emerging evidence on record, you General Paul Kagame ordered the shooting down of the plane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana and his Burundi counterpart, Cyprien Ntaryamira, a crime that has been solely found unequivocally to have sparked off the Rwanda 1994 genocide in which over one million souls perished. The plane was shot down on April 6, 1994 at 8:30 PM as it was about to land at Kanombe International Airport. Presidents, their aides and the crew died instantly on the impact. Will I be wrong if I conclude that you personally ignited this genocide for your power thirsty selfish political power gains? No wonder you have and can continue to deceive the whole world about your love for Rwandans while hiding behind this genocide quagmire.
In the mentioned article Paul Kagame you proudly and arrogantly state, “Gacaca, our system of community courts, has tried more than 1.2m genocide suspects in the last five years. These reformed perpetrators have been allowed to resume their lives by acknowledging their crimes and asking for forgiveness. Today they live peacefully with their victims.”
Without denying there might be some real genocide suspects in your figures, there are misleading facts hidden behind the picture you provide to the world today. One relates to who these suspects are as people. These are majority Hutu males, bread earners for their families of three to four children or more. On the basis of the crimes they have been accused of, their properties have been confiscated apparently to compensate the Tutsi victims of genocide, whereas the truth is that such properties are given to the elites of the regime.
We well know now that the impoverishment of these millions of Rwandans then, if you include their dependants, is part of your cynical agenda to see them as second class citizens. The same way you gave them a conditional chance to live by acknowledging rightly or wrongly their alleged genocide crimes and asking for forgiveness. It is openly evident sir that it is your intention to make them live in permanent poverty and guilt conscience so that you can maliciously easily manipulate them, and use them to always make you look very popular in Rwandan politics. These genocide suspects are survivors of the war that you and your Rwanda Patriotic Front rebels with the full backing of Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni started on Rwanda on October 01st 1990 from Uganda and pursued on into the Democratic Republic of Congo in the following years.
Mr. President you again boasted that Rwandans have gradually accepted the need to tolerate even those who killed their families, and have even abolished the death penalty. This is highly misleading because firstly, abolishing the death penalty from the panel code of Rwanda has not stopped your establishment to behead opposition politicians and critical news journalists and secondly, the forgiving field is tilted to only one ethic group the Tutsi. Whereas it is now common knowledge that both ethic groups killed each other, some good peace loving Tutsis have accepted and forgiven their Hutu neighbours who admitted to have committed the genocide crimes. However, the poor innocent Hutus have not had a similar chance to forgive their Tutsi neighbours who openly killed their loved ones, because you have refused deliberately to accept and prosecute Tutsis who are well known and well documented to have killed innocent Hutus including yourself.
Allow me sir to bring to your attention some of the facts regarding you yourself (General Paul Kagame) and your Tutsi Rwanda Patriotic Army’s criminal records well documented and pending:
Massacre of Burundian refugees resettled in Commune Muvumba and massacre of the Hima in Commune Muvumba, Prefecture of Byumba in October 1990 when the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) invaded Rwanda from its military bases in south western Uganda. The open massacres of the population of Shonga, Commune Muvumba, Prefecture of Byumba. The RPF occupied Shonga from October 1990 until its victory in July, 1994. The RPF decimated the population living in Shonga.
Between 1991 and 1992, RPF massacred Hutu in the communes of Bwisigye, Cyumba, Cyungo, Kibali, Kivuye, Kiyombe, Mukarange, Muvumba, and Ngarama of the prefecture of Byumba. Massacres were also carried out in the communes Butaro, Cyeru, and Nyamugari of Ruhengeri. Some of the people from these communes were taken to Uganda and disappeared. RPF killings generated massive internally displaced persons who sought refuge at makeshift camps. The RPF shelled these camps although these internally displaced persons were not armed.
On February 8, 1993, the RPF attacked the town of Ruhengeri and massacred unarmed civilians. During the attack the RPF summarily executed a large number of civilians including Barengayabo, President of the Appeals Court and Philippe Gakwerere, Inspector of mining and their families. During its military offensive of February 1993, the RPF massacred unarmed civilians in Ngarama, Commune Gituza, Prefecture of Byumba.
On May 18, 1993, the RPF assassinated Emmanuel Gapyisi, a member of the political bureau of the Democratic Republican Movement (MDR) and president of MDR in the prefecture of Gikongoro.
On August 25, 1993, the RPF assassinated Fidele Rwambuka, mayor of the commune of Kanzenze, prefecture of Kigali and a member of the central committee of the Republican National Movement for Democracy and Development (MRND).
In the night of November 17 and 18, 1993 the RPA under Colonel Kayizari massacred 48 unarmed civilians in the sous-prefecture of Kirambo, prefecture of Ruhengeri. In the same month of November 1993, the RPF Massacred of unarmed civilians in Commune Mutura, prefecture Gisenyi and Commune Bwisigye, prefecture of Byumba. The United Nations Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) investigated the massacre of Mutura and Kirambo and never published its findings.
On February 21, 1994, the RPF assassinated Felicien Gatabazi, the executive secretary of the Social democratic party (PSD).
On February 22, 1994, the RPF assassinated Martin Bucyana, president of the Coalition for the Defense of the Republic (CDR). Colonel Karenzi of the RPF coordinated these political assassinations.
On March 15, 1994 RPF soldiers under Colonel Kayonga carried out the assassination of Nathanael Nyilinkwaya, director of the tea factory of Cyohoha Rukeri, his wife, and two factory employees. From 1991 to 1993, RPF agents planted mines and bombs on roads, minibuses, and public places. Some of these agents were arrested carrying explosives. Others were arrested crossing into Rwanda from Burundi, Tanzania, and Zaire (the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
According to a UN secret report and to Jean-Pierre Mugabe, a former RPF official, General Kagame ordered the shooting down of the plane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana and his Burundi counterpart, Cyprien Ntaryamira. The plane was shot down on April 6, 1994 at 8:30 PM as it was about to land at Kanombe International Airport. Presidents, their aides and the crew died instantly on the impact.
In April 1994, the RPF under Colonel Kayonga went from house to house in Remera, Kigali killing businessmen, intellectuals, politicians, and all members of their families. RPF soldiers executed unarmed civilians who fled to Amahoro Stadium. Following are the names of the people executed by the RPF.
The list is not exhaustive:
– Ndagijimana, Celestin, Chief Administrator officer at IMPRISCO
– Claudien Habarushaka, former prefect of Kigali;
– Baliyanga, Sylvestre, then prefect of Ruhengeri, his wife and children;
– Jean-Marie Vianney Mvulirwenande’s wife and children; – Mujyanama, Theoneste, former attorney general;
– Habimana, Aloys, former director in the ministry of agriculture;
– Stanislas Niyibizi’s wife and children;
– Hategekimana , Raphael, director of Village Urugwiro
– Major Bugenimana, Helene and her children;
– Bahigiki, Emmanuel, former secretary general in the ministry of planning, his wife, and children;
– Gahutu, Jean, his wife and his children;
– Nsengiyaremye, Theodore, pharmacist, his wife and his children;
Munyangabe, Marcel, former president of the General Accounting Court, his wife and his children;
– Ndaziramiye, Herson, his wife and children.
– Gashegu, Dismas, former vice chancellor of the National University of Rwanda;
– Mbanzarugamba, Felicien, employee at Bralirwa, his wife and children;
– Kayibanda, Irene, employee at Societe Nationale d’Assurances (SONARWA);
– Hategekimana, Jean, president of the Court of Kigali, his wife and children;
– Mupenda, Frederic, employee at the ministry of public works
– Donat Hakizimana’s wife and children.
– Nyungura, Emile, his wife and children;
According to Human Rights Watch and the FIDH, by April 25, 1994 the RPF had opened a corridor from Kigali to Byumba. It evacuated civilians from Amahoro Stadium, Kigali to Byumba. Some of the people it evacuated were summarily executed in Byumba. Among them was:
Gregoire Kayinamura, vice president of MDR,
Norbert Muhaturukundo, employee at the ministry of information, and
Sebulikoko, Celestin, businessman.
This list is not exhaustive:
So far, no RPF soldier has been prosecuted.
On April 21, 1994 the RPF killed Catholic priests who had sought refuge at Rwesero Seminary. These priests are:
Christian Nkiliyehe,
Anastase Nkundabanyanga,
Joseph Hitimana,
Gaspard Mudashimwa,
Alexis Havugimana,
Celestin Muhayimana,
Augustin Mushyenderi, and
Fidele Mulinda.
So far, no RPF soldier has been prosecuted.
On June 5, 1994 RPF soldiers summarily executed three Catholic bishops:
Vincent Nsengiyumva, Archbishop of Kigali;
Thaddee Nsengiyumva, bishop of Kabgayi;
Joseph Ruzindana, bishop of Byumba; and nine Catholic priests:
Mgr. Innocent Gasabwoya, former General Vicar Bishop of Kamonyi;
Mgr. Jean-Marie Vianney Rwabilinda,
Father Emmanuel Uwimana, Chancellor of the minor seminary of Kabgayi,
Father Sylvestre Ndaberetse,
Father Bernard Ntamugabumwe,
Father Francois Xavier Muligo,
Father Alfred Kayibanda, and
Fidele Gahonzire Human.
RPF soldiers also executed Brother Jean Baptiste Nsinga, President of St Joseph Brothers. So far no RPF soldier has been prosecuted. RPF soldiers summarily executed priests, nuns, and pastors.
– From April 7, 1994 through August 1994, the RPF summoned people to public meetings. After people had gathered to listen to RPF officials, RPF soldiers massacred them. The following terms are reminiscent of these episodes:
kwitaba inama or to attend a public meeting;
kwikiza umwanzi or to get rid of the enemy,
and gutegura or to clean up a place.
When people were summoned to attend a public meeting, they were summarily executed. When people were summoned to clean up a place to supposedly resettle internally displaced people, they were summarily executed. When people were summoned to attend a public meeting to learn how to smoke out Interahamwe, they were asked to tie each other arms behind the back using ropes. Then they were summarily executed. Human Rights Watch and the FIDH have reported these massacres in the publication mentioned earlier.
A UNHCR report prepared by a team of three people headed by Robert Gersony on these numerous massacres that occurred as the RPF took control of Rwanda in 1994 was buried under pressure from the United States and the UN. According to Human Rights Watch and the FIDH, “From August 1 through September 5, the team visited ninety-one sites in forty one of the 145 communes of Rwanda and gathered detailed information about ten others”.
They go on to say that “A written note produced by the UNHCR estimated only that the RPF had killed thousands of persons a month, but Gersony himself reportedly estimated that during the months from April to August the RPF killed between 25,000 and 45,000 persons, between 5,000 and 10,000 persons each month from April through July and 5,000 for the month of August. In press accounts based on leaked information, the figure most often cited was 30,000.” Massacre of unarmed civilian at Kibeho, prefecture of Gikongoro. UNAMIR, non-government organizations and international news media witnessed this massacre. More than 8,000 people died.
Pasteur Bizimungu, then president of Rwanda, urged the international community to accept the death toll of three hundred people. RPA soldiers removed dead bodies at night and took them at other locations so that international news media and non government organizations could not count them. Massacres of tens of thousands unarmed Hutu civilians, mostly women, children and elderly, by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, in Kanama in October-November 1997. The Rwanda Patriotic Army accepted the responsibility for these crimes, but none was punished or even prosecuted for these crimes against humanity.
To repair the tarnished image of Kagame’s regime, Colonel Ibingira who ordered this massacre was sentenced to one year of under house arrest. Massacres of tens of thousands of unarmed civilians, mostly women, children and elderly in the caves of Nyakinama, Bugoyi, in 1998. The international media and the international community confirmed the massacres and Rwandan Patriotic Army admitted to the crimes.
Massacres of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Hutu civilian villagers, mostly young boys, women, children, and elderly in the villages across Ruhengeri and Gisenyi in 1997-1998, by the Rwandan Patriotic Army. These massacres occurred under the command of General Kayumba Nyamwasa, the former chief staff of the APR who you attempted to assassinate on 19th June 2010 in South Africa. He was then the highest-ranking military officer in charge of military operations in the prefectures of Gisenyi and Ruhengeri. The international community confirmed the massacres.
Massacres of an estimated 200,000 Hutu civilians in the refugee camps in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, former Zaire in 1996-1997. The United Nations, the USA, and European Union confirmed the massacres and the Rwandan Patriotic Army admitted to these crimes, but none was prosecuted. These crimes were called “acts of genocide” by the International Non-Government Independent Commission set up by the United Nations to inquire on crimes committed in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The following military officers participated in the massacres of these Hutu refugees:
Colonel James Kabareebe, commander of the military invasion of former Zaire.
Colonel Ibingira;
Lieutenant Colonel Murokore;
Colonel Nzaramba;
Retired Colonel Nduguteye;
Colonel Jackson Rwahama;
Major Jacques Nziza, Director of the Department of Military Intelligence (DMI;)
Lieutenant Colonel Wilson Rutayisire;
Major Dan Munyuza;
Commander David;
Commander Godfrey Kabanda;
Lieutenant Colonel Kiago Summary executions of the soldiers of the ex-FAR (Forces Armees Rwandaise) and their families after they returned from the refugee camps of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania from 1996. Those who escaped assassination are rotting in jail. The following listing is not exhaustive:
Colonel Stanislas Hakizimana, assassinated along with his family, relatives, and neighbours on January 21, 1997;
Colonel Stanislas Bangamwabo has disappeared;
Lieutenant-Colonel Augustin Nzabanita assassinated while in prison in Gisenyi on January 23, 1997;
Lietenant-Colonel BEM Antoine Sebahire assassinated along with his wife;
Major Laurent Bizabarimana assassinated in Nyarutovu on January 18-19, 1997;
Major Lambert Rugambage assassinated in January 1997;
Major Rutayisire assassinated while in RPF ideological training known as ingando;
Captain Alexander Mugarura, assassinated;
Captain Theodore Hakizimana, assassinated;
Captain Jean Kabera, assassinated;
Lieutenant Francois Nsengimana, assassinated;
Lieutenant Faustin Nsengiyumva, assassinated;
Lieutenant Edouard Nsengiyumva, assassinated;
Major Martin Ndamage rotting in a military prison;
Major Athanase Uwamungu, rotting in a military prison;
Captain Isidore Bwanakweri rotting in a military prison.
Extrajudicial executions of detainees by members of the security forces some of which have been documented by Amnesty International, for example:
Execution of 12 detainees at Muyira solitary confinements, prefecture of Butare on January 14, 1997.
Executions of more than 20 detainees at Gisovu dungeons, prefecture of Kibuye on January 23, 1997.
Execution of six detainees at Runda dungeons, prefecture of Gitarama on February 14, 1997 Execution of 10 detainees at Maraba dungeons, prefecture of Butare on May 7, 1997.
Execution of 15 detainees at Gatonde dungeons, prefecture of Ruhengeri.
Execution of six detainees at Ndusu dungeons, prefecture of Ruhengeri on May 10, 1997.
Execution of 95 detainees at Rubavu dungeons and an unknown number at Kanama dungeons.
The disappearances of many Rwandan citizens (journalists, businessmen and ordinary people) and the detention of Rwandan citizens in private houses. The number of these prisoners is above 125,000 of whom more than 30 percent are believed to be innocent.
The killings of foreign nationals such as Father Valmajo of Spain, killed at Nyinawimana in April 1994;
Father Claude Simard, a Canadian killed on October 17, 1994;
three Spanish employees of the non government organization Medicos del Mundo killed on 18 January 1997;
Father Guy Pinard, a Canadian killed on February 2, 1997,
Father Curick Vjechoslav of Croatia assassinated in Kigali in 1998, and Father Duchamp, a Canadian.
Your regime detained 4,554 minors for allegedly taking part in the genocide. Some were arrested when they were as young as 8 years old. The children who were under 14 years old when they were arrested have been sharing overcrowded filthy prisons with adults.
To accelerate the decimation of the Hutu, General Kagame’s regime has resorted to two strategies. One has consisted of rounding up Hutu males and sending them to prison for allegedly participating in the genocide of Tutsi. Today 135,000 Hutu live in filthy crowded prisons where they die of epidemics slowly. Some have had legs amputated and others have lost feet or toes. The second strategy was to round up able body Hutu young males and sends them to the front in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) after receiving minimal military training.
It is on record how Tutsi who came from Uganda occupied houses and banana fields in Kibungo and chased out Hutu from their properties. These Hutu have been relocated into concentration camps euphemistically called “villages” by the RPF regime.
From 1990 to 1994 the RPF encouraged Tutsi refugees living in Burundi and Zaire (DRC) and the territory controlled by the then Rwandan government to send their sons to join the RPF in Uganda and northern Rwanda to serve as military manpower. Many young people responded to RPF recruiting effort.
The RPF labelled these idealist young people “French speaking”. It suspected them of being spies for the Rwandan government. Many of them were executed. Major Dan Munyuza, in charge of the training wing at the time and Colonel Jacques Nziza, director of the Department of Military Intelligence (DMI) were responsible for the murder of these innocent people. Both Munyuza and Nziza led the first invasion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they are responsible for the massacre of more than 200,000 Hutu. Munyuza and Nziza still serve in the RPA.
The later is responsible for the assassination of former RPF interior minister Seth Sendashonga and former RPA Colonel Theoneste Lizinde in Nairobi Kenya. He used to be the director of DMI. He is on record to have gone in the US setting up mobile RPA hit squads that were to go after Rwandan exiles.
In March 05, 2000 Assiel Kabera, advisor to former president Pasteur Bizimungu was assassinated. Lieutenant Colonel Wilson Rutayisire Shabani, former director of Radio Muhabura during RPF war and former director of the Rwandan Information Office was assassinated in Kisangani, DRC by the RPA in June 2000. Other individuals the RPF has disposed of are Victor Bayingana, a businessman and his wife Kagaju. The family of Pastor Emmanuel Gasana of Parish of Nyamagana, Commune Kigoma, Prefecture Gitarama and his family along with Pastor Joseph Karamage who was appointed to replace Emmanuel Gasana. James Habarugaba assassinated in front his home on his way from work. Professor Francois Munyamarere of the Rwanda National University Nyakinama, assassinated on his way from work. The businesswoman Ms. Mugambira shot to death in her shop in Kigali. Some officials and military officers have fled the country; among them are Christophe Hakizabera, Major Ntashamaje, and Major Kwikiriza. A former Member of Parliament, Mr. Mbanda was imprisoned for criticizing the Rwandan Patriotic Front.
Some prominent Tutsi have managed to escape RPF hit squads. They are: Joseph Sebarenzi Kabuye, exiled in the United States; Valens Kajeguhakwa, member of the Transitional national Assembly (NTA) and businessman; Sisi Evariste, member of NTA and businessman, exiled in Uganda; Doctor Kayijaho, president of Ibuka, exiled in Canada, former BP FINA Director General Jean Bosco Rutagengwa, Founder of Ibuka, exiled in USA, former AVEGA-AGAHOZO (1994 events widows association) President Chantal Kayitesi, exiled in USA, and former Prosecutor Edward Kayihura, exiled in USA. Recent ones to be named are General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Patrick Karegyeya in South Africa.
Mr. Kagame sir, saying that the massive attendance at rallies during the campaign was a loud statement of confidence in your democracy, is another form of your deliberate resolve to continue confusing the world that you are a popular person in Rwanda, when actually you are continuing to hold the Rwandan people at ransom, and using your lies to keep them in the bondage of fear. Former president of Iraq Mr. Saddam Hussein held elections in that country in 2002 and his campaigns in this sham process were always overflowing with fear ridden people of that country. He even bet you on the polls because he polled 100% of the cast votes. Do you want to claim that massive attendances on these Sadam’s rallies were also a loud statement of confidence in his democracy? So please shape up and give people a break.
Finally Mr. Kagame sir, as you can see, the peace loving people of the beautiful country of a thousand hills of Rwanda are far from experiencing genuine democracy and real peace under your rule, simply because you are holding them at ransom with your massively blood soaked hands. Your RPF army is holding the state of Rwanda hostage. You are a major suspect in grave, very serious capital offenses which unless are urgently addressed by your being aligned to face fair justice in a competent court of law, peace and democracy will continue to elude the poor people of Rwanda and the Great lakes region of East and central Africa in general.
The writer is a peace loving citizen of the great lakes region.
CC. To President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda,
Your mentor and comrade in crime. AND RECONCILIATIONGeneral Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda B.P.15 Kigali – RWANDA. Dear Sir, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In direct reference to your published article “Rwanda’s democracy is still the model for Africa” of 19th August 2010, I beg to disagree with you as your close...Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS
you are the complete foolish i have never seen!!!! what is the reality of what you are saying. and i am asking you in which position you stand in order to differentiate you with other Rwandans opponents without any pillars? please do not disorient the Rwandans , we are proud of being called the Rwandans, being led by RPF