

H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 

President of the Republic of the Uganda                                                                                     

State House Nakasero                                                                                                                                              

Box 25497, Kampla, Uganda



Your Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,

RE: Request for Investigation into the cause of death of General Fred Rwigema

We are writing to you as great lakes human rights organisation to respectfully implore you to open an independent investigation into the untimely murder of General Fred Rwigema.

It has been nearly 24 years since Gen Fred Rwigema died in mysteries circumstance in his mother-land before leading an exodus of Rwandan children who had been incarcerated in exile for over 30 years.

Fred Gisa Rwigema (10 April 1957 – 2 October 1990), born Emmanuel Gisa was a founding member and leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Rwigema was born in former Gitarama, in the south of Rwanda. Considered a Tutsi, in 1960 he and his family fled to Uganda and settled in a refugee camp in Nshungeezi, Ankole and later Kahungye in Tooro following the so-called Hutu Revolution of 1959 which t ousted King Kigeri V.

Afande Fred was the best commander of all time in all of the countries he served. Afande Fred who was a Major General as a young man who always put his nation and people first. I am captivated to demonstrate how General Rwigema went the extra mile during his plan to return his people to their mother-land.

In preparation to his return to Rwanda, General Rwigema sought a unifying solution to all Rwandans not only for his own Tutsi ethnic group. It is demonstrated by the effort Rwigema used by including all Rwandans that had been harassed and exiled by the then dictatorial regimes. General Rwigema contacted among all Colonel Alexis Kanyarengwe and actually he became the chairman of the RPF while Gen Rwigema concentrated on armed wing to inculcate discipline and maintain best soldiers. Col Kanyarengwe knew the regime’s in-and-out and according to Rwigema he would bargain better with the government that they were about to invade.

We all believed that he would live forever because of the love we had for him. When Fred emerged as a high ranking official in Uganda, he became a hero to all of us, the youth, and the only hope to the Promised Land which we had been denied by the dictators of the time.

He selflessly pulled everyone together in a very limited time, not only in Uganda but the whole Diaspora and he did all this in combination with other commitments which involved maintaining security of Uganda, his own young family (God bless them) plus building his Rwandan Army inside a host Army and country (Uganda).

He did all this with great sensitivity and concern for the departure of his forces that would not shake the Ugandan forces. His aim was to return the Rwandese back home but also to make sure that Uganda stays strong and un-shaken due to the withdrawal of the Rwandese forces.

Afande Fred Rwigema the man who arranged, planned and managed to implement what was a dream to all of us from childhood, was meaninglessly lost within a day of his return to the land he had left as an infant.

The following are the questions we are seeking answers to:

  1. Who killed Gen Fred?
  2. Why is it that the bodies of Bunyenyezi and Bayingana have never been buried or recovered? Could it be because they were actually taken by their killers in the Ryabega ambush.
  3. Why has President Kagame never carried out a thorough investigation in the deaths of these commanders to clear our suspicion? Could he be hiding something by relying on the evidence of Happy Ruvusha who held the rank of Corporal at the time of Gen Rwigema’s death?
  4. Why is Gen Rwigema’s death and history fading away in thin air as we speak now while President Kagame assuming the heroism that he never deserved and does not deserve?
  5. If Paul Kagame was hero enough as he self-portrays, why did he decide to attend a course as the whole group was planning such an important mission?
  6. Why is General Fred Rwigema more remembered and respected in Uganda than Rwanda the country of his birth and subsequently his death?

The question remains as to who really killed our hero Gen Fred Rwigema!! Investigations should be immediately commenced to make all this clear.


Noble Marara

GLHRL Secretary

Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWS  H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,  President of the Republic of the Uganda                                                                              ...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE