LETTER FROM THE NORTH: THE RWANDA, A COUNTRY WITHOUT GENERAL REAL!  in Politiki 10085354816_c6c58e4a5e_c2Source: Ikazeiwacu

The DictaThe American general George Patton Allied forces during World War II said that “A good general form his men as strict and imposing a severe discipline them, then once he won their respect, it turns strategy for understanding that it is not only their commander, but also on their side. Someone that they can count on, someone who shows courage wherever he can conduct military operations. 

The Dictator Paul Kagame and his RPF mafia for years abused military ranks in the army.Ranks in RDF were awarded by favoritism, nepotism and race. Those ideologies Kagamistes were propelled false rank of general.

Anthony Livesey in his book “Great Commanders and Their battles page 68” , stated that “The great generals must be innovative, have love for their country, be careful, educated and charismatic, and they break any crime. ”  But the analogy does not exist in Rwanda, because all  “general”  Kagame, have no love for the country, they are criminals in national military uniform.

How to get promoted in the armed militia, RDF Kagame?

The current Rwandan army techniques that follows the RDF to promote men and women in its ranks, Ci.dessous some of these technical aspects:

You must be a great disciple of Kagame to be promoted within RDF and individuals must swear elegance to Kagame and the RPF. Those people are promoted, although identified by the DMI as ideologues Kagamistes.

  • You must speak Luganda or Runyankole to be the first to be fired following promotion criteria RDF, you must learn to speak the Ugandan language. This is an important element within the body of the militia of the dictator Kagame.Where the person grew up is also important to get the wrong rows in the mafia RPF issue.
  • The patronage for rapid promotion within the RDF militia, you must have someone to support you in the hierarchy of the militia. This is why the old escorts are now senior officers.
  • You must be an excellent human rights abuser, to be promoted within the militia dictator Kagame. Those who have shown the willingness to kill civilians are dubiously promoted by the dictator Kagame. This is why RDF is managed and controlled by excellent killers of innocent civilians.
  • You must be a Tutsi, to achieve rapid promotion within the organization of the Mafia, RDF Paul Kagame. You must be a Tutsi and if an individual is clan Abegapromotion becomes even easier.
  • You must be of the Seventh-day Adventist religion, to achieve rapid promotion within the RDF team must be of the Protestant faith. For Muslims and Catholics to higher ranks in the RDF is like winning the lottery Rwanda.

The above analysis shows how RDF is not a national army but an entity that is used to protect the system of mafia RPF. RDF is an illegitimate organization should be dissolved because it is not a national institution but a personal institution that is there to protect the current sovereign, Paul Kagame of Rwanda alias Afande Hitler.

Corporals of Rwanda

Last week, the world witnessed the burial of General Vo Nguyen Giap, a large Vietnamese general who defeated the French in 1954 during the war in Indochina, and defeated the Americans in 1975, during the Vietnam War. General Vo Nguyen Giap was a renowned military strategist and tactician military high-level military strategies are taught in military academies all over the world, from WestPoint in America, Whampoa in China and the United Sandhurst Kingdom.

Today, Rwanda has seen the army corporals to call general, where the dictator Paul Kagame can decide who should be promoted or demoted. The most bizarre part of Sinology RDF, is that all these corporals RDF must answer to François Ngarambe Secretary General of the RPF, the Safely exception of Corporal Paul Kagame and Corporal Jack Nziza.

Sort current general of Rwanda as corporals is not a theology of hate, but it is the reality we must face, when you take RDF as a national army. I will demonstrate why the current general RDF are corporals than generals.

Corporals no command authority:

james-Kabarebe-150x150 in PolitikiCorporal alias “General” James Kabarebe: the Minister of Defence of Rwanda is generally referred to as a general. In the area of leadership, readers of Ikaze Iwacu should know that Corporal James Kabarebe n has never ordered a section, between 1990-1996 the corporal working as escort dictator Paul Kagame (OC Kivera).

In 1996 is when the dictator Kagame, gave him another mission to monitor the late Laurent Kabila and coordinate the war in Congo, and everyone knows what happened in Congo. With its reckless military operations in the Congo, the genocide of Hutus was performed. In 1998, Corporal James Kabarebe accepted a mission and no any real professional soldier accept. James Kabarebe was commissioned by Master Corporal Paul Kagame of Rwanda to fly with troops Kitona and begin a new military to remove Laurent Kabila’s government in Kinshasa campaign.

The disastrous campaign Kitona shows why this man should not even be mentioned as a general military strategy and its capacity is that of a corporal. A real general does not allow civilians to be abused, killed and deprived of their basic human rights. But “general” allows everything to happen before his eyes. He even allowed his own family members were detained by Corporal Paul Kagame.

The rank of Major General James Kabarebe is a farce in circles military strategists, patriotism is questionable because it has allowed Rwanda to be ruled by a mad man. The general now living in fear until they impose a curfew, which required to be home from 18 hours.

alfs_-_lt._gen._patrick_nyamvumba_force_commander_for_the_united_nations_-_african_union_mission_in_darfur_unamid_-_african_land_forces_summit-150x150Corporal alias “General” Patrick Nyamvumba:  The current head of RDF showed the lowest attributes that a real general can never possess. Everyone knows that “general” box walking, Corporal Patrick Nyamvumba was hit by a bullet while he was fleeing from his duties to protect its commander and Major Chris Cousin Bunyenyezi . This “general” has left behind his own family member to be executed by the same people it serves.

From 1990 t0 2000, Corporal had never commanded a section. In 2000, it was when Corporal Paul Kagame sent to Kisangani to control the RDF against the Ugandan army. He was able to defeat the Ugandan army to a high cost, with more than 300 Rwandan soldiers who died, and Rwandan troops were counted from May to January, for a Ugandan soldier, there were five soldiers RDF.

“General” Nyamvumba showed a high level of its non – patriotism to be dragged into the blood by Corporal Paul Kagame. In recent years, he was lucky to survive missions blood and violations of human rights by Paul Kagame. Corporal Nyamvumba now known violations of human rights of his boss, but he does not even have the courage to stop them, and that is why his rank of general is a joke in the Rwandan society.

Read this link and this is even corporal involved in the murder of an elderly woman.http://www.umuvugizi.com/?p=9093

umwicanyi-Kabombo-fred-Ibingira-150x150Corporal alias “General” Fred Ibingira:   Promoting the man to the rank of general, shows how the current RPF regime is a terrorist organization. As a military officer, you must be able to read and interpret a military map. But ironically, it generally can not even read his own name. His rank was given by favoritism as he studied Corporal Kagame. “General” Fred Ibingira was recruited from the street known as Buganda road in 1987 by the dictator Paul Kagame to join the DMI Uganda.

Corporal Fred Ibingira only made a basic military training for six months in 1987, and now this serial killer is considered one of the military strategists Rwanda. In some circles it is even regarded as a patriot who loves the country, what a shame! Corporal Fred Ibingira said Paul Kagame as “God,” the general was slapped repeatedly by Paul Kagame since he took it as a standard. Is it possible that a true general can allow to be slapped by a criminal president?

general-Karenzi-karake2-150x150Corporal alias “General” Emmanuel Karenzi: Unlike Corporals above, this “general” has too many traits of a villager in him. Corporal Karenzi is an educated man, but because of fear and lack of principles he decided to keep his knowledge in a cabinet. This “general” is the head of the national intelligence services of Rwanda (NISS), but it has no power. Its control within the organization is similar to that of a corporal, due to fear, sometimes it corporal welcomes subordinates with military honors, as Colonel Fred Muziraguharara.

While others fought during the war RPF peasant corporal engaged in killing Tutsi and Hutu boys who had joined the RPF / RPA. Rwanda as a country does not have a single general, the country has only criminals who have been promoted as general.

mj_gen_ngendahimana2-150x145Corporal alias “General” Jerome Ngendahimana: The “general” has no respect, which may enable it qualifies as a general. His patriotism is one dollar, man is capable of betraying his country for money and therefore to be promoted to the rank of general, this is a joke in the country and a disgrace in the ranks of generals.


rutatinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-150x146Corporal alias “General” Richard Rutatina: This is a national disgrace to classify the serial killer as a whole. In areas of RDF, this man is known as Poison docteurr . This man has never even ordered a section, as usual dictator Paul Kagame promotes and appoints the idiots in his criminal franchise. This general personally administered the death of his fellow soldiers RDF on the orders of Paul Kagame. It is a hassle to Rwanda of the criminal loose like a general. This general so scared of Kagame since he welcomes escorts it, once he crosses the road. On several occasions, he was seen welcoming the junior officers, especially those in the presidential guard.

Corporal alias “General” Joseph Nzabamwita Dan Munyuza and Faustin Kalisa:Anyone with a wise mind would never refer to these three amigos criminals like the generals.None of them has ever attended a military high-level courses, but they were promoted to the rank of general of a star because they are killing machines Jack Nziza and Paul Kagame.They have mastered the art of killing unarmed civilians rather than ordering a military battlefield.

Corporals with command authority:

Corporal alias “General” Paul Kagame of Rwanda criminal strategist, is sometimes referred to as General. But now all Rwandans know that the dictator Paul Kagame has never ordered a section. During the 1990-1994 war, all military plans were always architected by Colonel Steven Ndugute with the help of information intelligence colonel Lizinde. It’s shocking to have a murderer as a general unpatriotic and it shows how Rwanda is led by a self-proclaimed warlord.

afterHowever, it is important to note that Paul Kagame is the only general in Rwanda in material power and control. It has the power to appoint and demote his generals, and considers all the generals in the RDF as its boys home. When he says that no one can make a coup in Rwanda, it is because it is well known that the country has no real general, but a lot of corporals.

Corporal alias “General” Jeannette Kagame , Rwanda has now become a family property, Rwanda no military appointment may be made ​​without the approval of Corporal Jeannette Kagame. Jeannette Kagame receives daily military briefings Jack Nziza, and now she is given the powers of God to kill anyone she wants. All fake general in front of it, Corporal Jeannette Kagame became rigorous, ruthless and power-hungry, it is now positioned to be the next ruler of Rwanda.

Corporal alias “General” Ivan Cyomoro: Lieutenant Cyomoro now has more military muscle in relation to doubtful General Kagame. Soon all these corporals will begin to greet Ivan Cyomoro as their new general. Over time, the influence of this young man will grow as he consolidated his power around the militia of his father, RDF.

Corporal alias “General” Jack Nziza: After Kagame dictator Jack Nziza, the serial killer, is the most famous in Rwanda. Jack Nziza promote to the rank of Major General is one of the main signs that show that the RDF is a group of militiens rather than a national army. It would be impossible for this man to even get a rank of corporal in the army proper. Corporal Jack Nziza was recruited to join the DMI Uganda by the dictator Paul Kagame in 1987, he spent a basic military training for six months, and before that he was a businessman, who sold banana.

Now, General Inspector General of the Rwandan army, Jack Nziza n ‘never even ordered a section, during the RPF war while other boys and women were fighting, this man with his boss Paul Kagame were still in Kabale , Mbarara and Kampala enjoying their lives. Corporal Jack Nziza was sent to Zambia in 2001 to a period of high command in the Zambian military academy, but failed drastically, to the point of being expelled for academic incompetence.

Now Jack is the coordinator Nziza corporals Paul Kagame, all general “” in Rwanda totally afraid of this man since when they receive a call from Jack Nziza, some urinate on themselves almost. It’s a shame for Rwanda and Rwandans to promote an incompetent man to the rank of general. In the art of killing unarmed civilians and innocent Rwandans, this man is credited. His play to kill first and ask later was its ideological vision, Corporal Jack Nziza is also good at the game of manufacturing lies against his opponents.

When you read the names of the current Rwandan general, what you find is is a lot of incompetent thugs RPF / RDF that have sold their souls to their supreme commander, Corporal Paul Kagame. It is an abuse to mention that Rwanda Generals, these general participated and still participate in the murder of civilians. They have to be used as boys household dictator Kagame, and soon his son will also start the slapping.


All wise Rwandans are shocked by the barbaric behavior of the Ambassador of Rwanda, Uganda, General Corporal “” Frank Mugambagye . How can we explain a general with the title of ambassador to be involved in the kidnapping, poisoning and murder of innocent civilians? But the army of Rwanda, the generals have been turned into thugs and murderers since they also kill their own parents. It’s amazing that Rwandans suffer at the hands of those who are supposed to protect them.

Because of the race for wealth Kagame, the corporals lead to the death of innocent Rwandans in Congo. Military blunders, and illogical vision led to the loss of lives in RDF and civilians.Now RDF became a cursed organization that nobody wants to join the junior that is why they have resorted to tactics forced recruitment through abductions.

General of the militia of Paul Kagame did not even know the basic principles of human rights, democracy, freedom of speech and expression, etc.. These corporals do not know that God has given human beings the rights that must be protected at all costs. They should know that Rwanda has existed before them and it will always be there. Justice will always prevail at all costs and it is a matter of time before we win our freedom.


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