The Rwandan Minister of Security Sheikh Musa Fazil Halerimana  has been made redundant after all the departments like Police and Correction Services have been taken to the docket of  the Minister of Justice.
It was the same Minister who requested for the removal of term limits from the Rwandan Constitution to pave way for his boss President Kagame to stand again after his term expires in 2017.
While Mr. Fazil belongs to an opposition political party he stunned every sober mind when he publicly announced his controversial term limit removal from the Rwandan Constitution immediately after the election of 2010 in which Kagame won a land slide  by 96%. Initially many doubted his maneuvers thinking that it was Musa Fazil who was trying to make his uncoordinated utterances, little did they know that he was just a loud speaker  of President Kagame.
Indeed, President Kagame was using him like a disposal tissue in the same way he used the likes of Safari Stanley to destroy the MDR Party or the current Senator President Bernard Makuza just to mention a few.
Minister Fazil clashed with the Minister of Justice Busingye on the issues of detaining people without properly following the legal process. This incident saw him directly in confrontation with the RPF inner circle Busingye who knows the secrets of  RPF killings (kufanyiya) or doctoring (Gutekinika)both in Correction Services and  Police.
In fact Minister Musa has just been constructively made a simple Director  or  Head of Traffic Police, with all major institutions in the Ministry of Security gone to Minister Busingye who will handle the notorious killers like Dan Munyuza and other killers in the Police force under the New Name Rwanda Investigation Bureau,  Fazil’s days are numbered.
For those who are just new entrants to RPF should know that ,RPF is no longer a party but rather a private company with 100% shares of Kagame and Family Limited. The RPF Company will deny that the population is starving to death, it will use its local leaders who are all RPF to force the peasants to sign papers  or go to the local radios to say the RPF government is looking after them.
Its only in Rwanda where the citizens are killed and celebrate the killers or just accuse the deceased of bringing the curse on him/herself. Indeed, they will tell you that  the deceased provoked the security forces , always its Citizens who provoke the  government.
Minister Fazil is just one of the Students who doesn’t learn from history , he is a swimmer in waters were many of his colleagues have drowned , yet he swims without a life jacket despite a well-documented list of many swimmers who have drowned in same waters.
It wouldn’t need to be Rocket scientist to read the mind of President Kagame who always use people as ladders to reach his desired goals, if Musa Fasil is in doubt , he is deliberately closing his eyes or he is a bad student of  the Rwandan History.
Joseph Ruhumuriza KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSThe Rwandan Minister of Security Sheikh Musa Fazil Halerimana  has been made redundant after all the departments like Police and Correction Services have been taken to the docket of  the Minister of Justice. It was the same Minister who requested for the removal of term limits from the Rwandan Constitution...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE