The UK referendum on Thursday might not arouse much excitement among the general public but the right to vote in a meaningful election is one of the key characteristics of a democracy. If we were to make a list we might also consider a free press, the rule of law, judicial independence, religious freedom, gender equality and electoral turnout to be characteristics of a democracy.

Indeed, the referendum on whether UK should remain or leave EU was not only in the favor of the leavers but also in the favor of the Rwandan Head of State Paul Kagame who publicly celebrated the victory of the leavers Camp.

“These people should stop interfering in other peoples internal affairs , in fact I’m happy that they have lost , because they spend much time interfering in other peoples internal affairs taking their people for granted” He Said.

President Kagame was very careful in choosing his words because without mentioning which people or the country he directed his words, in general he criticized the West for being out of touch with their own people and taking them for granted.

However, the Rwandan leader in his entire political career has failed to grasp the virtue of democracy as a yard-stick of competitive politics which his country cannot provide to his own people. Where does he get the notion that UK leaders are not in touch with their electorate?   Does he really know that the ruling Conservative party gave a green line to all its members to campaign on individual merit and wishes of their respective constituencies?

Does President Kagame accord the same political freedom to his members of the ruling RPF? Or even allow the opposition free space to campaign against his wishes?  The recently concluded referendum for the change of the Constitution in Rwanda was never contested publicly, it was rushed and passed in the pigeon hole and Kagame was overwhelmingly elected with 97% or elected himself since there was no campaign for those who oppose extending this unconstitutional rule.

Does he remember his former President Pasteur Bizimungu and Minister Ntakirutinka Charles who together formed PDR Party “Obuyanja” and Kagame ordered their Kangaroo trial where both were sentenced to 15 years respectively?

Another brave lady Ingabire Victore has been sentenced to 15 Years for standing against Kagame  This lady came from the Netherlands determined to challenge the dictatorial rule of a man the West has up to now shielded against any political scrutiny from within and outside.

Indeed, whoever, challenges the authority of President Kagame regardless of his status of political affiliation, he is labeled a traitor, incarcerated, killed or if he is lucky goes to exile before the Kagame killing squads get on him or her.

The Rwandan President does not distinguish between betraying and a right to associate with any apolitical party or ideology, for him all is betraying and warns everybody that those who betray the country will face “consequences”.

Indeed, with his financial muscle, he has managed to hunt all dissidents all over the world, and on the eve of 2014, he killed his former Intelligence Chief Col. Patrick Karegeya in South African Hotel. After his murder the World and of course the South African government were engulfed in shock and disbelief that Kagame could strike beyond his borders.

The Rwandan Ruler even boasted of the murder “I cannot be apologetic about that if you know the grenades that have been thrown on our streets killing Rwandan children,”

“Anyone who betrays our cause or wishes our people ill will fall victim. What remains to be seen is how you fall victim,” Mr Kagame said. I would remind this ruler that under democracy and rule of law any person is considered innocent until he/she is proven guilty by courts of law. Did he give Karegeya this right?

Does really President Kagame have any moral authority to make a mockery of democracy?  Kagame is regarded as the worst criminal in office today, with due respect he should disqualify himself from commenting on democracy because his does not have it and does not understand it. In Rwanda, the brutal RPF government with outright oppression and domestic inequalities have contributed or facilitated the grounds for uncertainty in the country and silent resentment and resistance is on the rise.

Whenever there is an opposition, Kagame has increasingly put aside the rule of law and human rights in the name of upholding ‘security’. Indeed, in the name of fighting terror which Kagame doctors using his security forces, he has used government institutions like judiciary to settle political scores. Indeed, elections and constitutions have become empty shells and the RPF has become increasingly brutal towards the citizens it is meant to serve.

Angel Uwera

Kigali KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSWORLDThe UK referendum on Thursday might not arouse much excitement among the general public but the right to vote in a meaningful election is one of the key characteristics of a democracy. If we were to make a list we might also consider a free press, the rule of...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE