Inyenyeri news has learnt from the reliable sources that the driver of Gen. Frank Rusgara, Mr. Francois   Kabaija was picked from his home by the DMI operates after his boss was arrested last week on concocted charges.

Similar Image to the car emptied of Gen Rusagara’s belongings.

While the charges of Gen. Frank Rusagara are connected with what the Kagame regime calls actions that are related with security, the General’s driver is accused of perverting the course of justice. It is believed that at the time of Gen. Frank’s arrest his driver protected the computer and the IPAD from the Kagame security forces.  It is not clear whether the above driver advertently intended to hide information from Kagame’s men or just to protect the computer and other material for his boss from strangers.

Apparently, the Kagame regime is arresting anybody perceived to have connections with all those Kagame calls enemies, it is worth noting that the Kagame regime is arresting innocent people who don’t have any knowledge on the politics of Rwanda.

It is therefore not surprising that Francois Kashaija has been arrested or killed by Kagame regime.

Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWS  Inyenyeri news has learnt from the reliable sources that the driver of Gen. Frank Rusgara, Mr. Francois   Kabaija was picked from his home by the DMI operates after his boss was arrested last week on concocted charges. Similar Image to the car emptied of Gen Rusagara's belongings. While the charges of...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE