Behind The Presidential Curtains: RNC disunity was Predicted

What is happening in the RNC today has been prophesized long before and many people outside and within RNC labeled me a mole for Kigali regime despite the fact that I had equally exposed the naked side of the Kagame murderous regime.

Noble Marara who questioned the RNC

Rwanda’s most prominent opposition politicians under the umbrella of the Rwanda National Congress have failed to agree on the path and the philosophy on which they should run their party; hence a splinter group led by the former coordinator Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa has been formed under a new name of the New Rwanda National Congress.

Accordingly, the opposition enters the 2017 election divided and weakened, rendering the re-election of President Kagame and the Rwanda Patriotic Front without any hassle.

In brief, while President Kagame is known for his brutal rule, the weak and divided opposition will not only legitimize the Kagame sham elections but will undermine the fundamental principle of free and fair elections since there will be no strong challenger come 2017.

The falling apart of the RNC is not only detrimental to their party and supporters but equally to all Rwandans who would have benefited from a strong opposition giving Rwandans a chance and choice of leadership through competitive politics.

Whereas I do recognize the democratic process of the Rwanda National Congress, however, I do find it improper resolving disagreements by splitting the Party which is the only hope for many Rwandans who are yarning for change in Rwanda.

I have personally advocated a free and independent media that doesn’t have any influence by anyone, that’s why Inyenyeri News has maintained its integrity and professionalism; however, this has come at a cost, because all the members of the Rwanda National Congress and some other opposition parties have labeled our paper as working for Kigali Regime.

Although I have personally been attacked by President Kagame labeling me as a thug, this did not deter many of the Rwanda National Congress officials from mistrusting our paper. Interestingly, as I have already mentioned above, what is happening today, I had prophesied it long time ago and warned them that if you don’t unite u will perish one by one. Indeed, they are falling like ripe mangoes, from grace to grass and without gravity to hold them together.

The Rwandans cannot afford more divisions, the death of Col. Karegeya was very painful and a set back to the Rwanda National Congress and was a loss to all of us, but more so to our cause. Therefore, the splitting of Rwanda National Congress at this moment in time is rubbing salt in the wound of many Rwandans.

Why can’t Dr. Rudasigwa and Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa regardless of their differences put the interests of Rwandans first or at least Second? There is no problem for people in an organization to disagree, in fact its healthy, because at least we had started to see a different party from the RPF where Kagame is the RPF and RPF Kagame.

What is however, breaking people’s hearts is the way these two pillars of RNC are trying to resolve their differences. We appeal to all concerned people in RNC and in Particular Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa and Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa that Inyenyeri news will continue to act as your independent platform without fear or favor. Independent media is a powerful force in the struggle to change closed, repressive regimes into open and productive societies.  We should avoid bickering and intrigues at this critical moment , RNC needs more than ever Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa and Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa working together knowing that what they have in common is far greater than what is dividing them.

Noble Marara.

Some of the articles that predicted all that is happening to day

BTPC: Rwandan Opposition Forces Must Marry or Perish!

Theogene Rudasingwa with FDU members

The political Parties operating outside the Republic of Rwanda are missing an opportunity at this moment in time where Kagame and his RPF are mobilizing to change the Rwandan Constitution. Indeed, this is a rare political opportunity to unite and resist by all means necessary the Kagame constitutional coup.

 Kagame is determined to confuse the world by pretending that he does not want to stay however  willing to hold on power.

The current economic conditions  where Rwanda is facing the highest debt in the Rwandan history and the political uncertainty could be the trigger and be used as a good ground to forge an alternative, and bring down the RPF system peacefully. Alas, Diaspora forces are wasting golden chance to unite and bring about the change every Rwandan is yearning for.

They have difficulty trusting one another or group trusting another on
power. The dogged problem has always been who should be who first; they did it
before the ‘animal’ was finally killed. The RNC Party, FDU Inkingi, and other political forces operating outside Rwanda have a daunting task now to change the system in Kigali. Unity for the opposition forces is paramount, if the threat of removing the current government in Rwanda is to become real.

By unity they could form a formidable force that would be reckoned with against the long worn out party called the Rwanda Patriotic Front.

The RPF fortunately or unfortunately is regrouping, and so long as
are left unchallenged, they have the backing of the small but significant opposition that has been bought or intimidated  who have forged a  partnership  to show the international community that Kagame is not only loved by his own people but has no opposition to challenge his political appetite.

Sooner or later the economy of the Rwanda will pick up as there will be billions of dollars flowing into their Central Bank from the donor countries after the elections in 2017 if the opposition doesn’t start early to challenge Kagame’s constitutional coup.

Rwandans and the opposition in particular as they known to
have short memory, we forget easily our history, just 21 years we have forgotten what caused Genocide and how the opposition was manipulated by the MRND regime to participate in genocide, even some of the opposition parties who had previously prevailed against the late President Habyarimana regime.

They will resume their lives, despite irreparable socio-political damage brought about by ruthless regime in power in Kigali.

The Rwandan people have paid the brunt of Kigali brutal policies and it is time the country move away. The clique in power has no intention of leaving power under any circumstances unless the opposition extraordinary to change tactics, strategy and method of work.

Time and again, the world was warned that Kigali bends to shed more blood of innocent human beings in the country, but the powerful nations were indifferent and still like that.

Rwandans and the opposition should not sit and think that the world is moving closer, or their voice will be heard, to make this point clear, if the RPF did not resist the late President Habyarimana regime, the Rwandans including Kagame would still be in exile. To put the record straight, let’s do it ourselves and let’s do it now not tomorrow.

The Rwandan Opposition forces haven’t lived up to the expectation of the Rwandan people. Their sectarian orientation goes against new order. It has alienated many, and somewhat work in favor of the dying regime in power. Why don’t these people unite or seek genuine intercourses and alliances among themselves.

For RPF to go therefore, the strong opposition parties like RNC and FDU Inkigi forces must make unity attractive to other political forces. There is chance to do just that. Alliance is the way to go! Political marriage for all is overdue, so to squeeze life out of the RPF, also lobbying and planting truth, reconciliation and forming the pillars of the future as it appears the journey for change is at the beginning.

Noble Marara.

BTPC: Rwandan opposition plagued by doubt and disunity.

Noble Marara warns opposition

Through Behind the presidential curtains Noble Marara highlights that, while President Paul Kagame is busy consolidating his power by changing the Constitution, the opposition is busy splitting up and plotting against each other.

Behind the presidential curtains had previously warned that the continued disunity among the opposition groups will cost them dearly and serving Kagame’s interests. Despite Kagame’s continued mistakes in waging war on Burundi and other neigbouring countries, such as attacking Congo, killing his own people and muzzling free media and lack of political space in the country, the opposition is busy organising the fall of their own leadership.

There is no golden rule in Rwandan politics and particularly the constructive opposition policies for making real change after Kagame, damning opposition political parties that change leader’s mid-stream to eternal political opprobrium.

Only days since Kagame changed the Rwandan Constitution, the opposition are split more than ever, they should borrow a leaf from Burundi where President Nkuruniziza has managed and outsmarted Kagame who has waged war against him, since the date Nkurunziza declared his intention to run for the Third Term.

The Rwandan Opposition is struggling with the issue of the internal democracy, but unresolved is the motive of the opposition litany of policy disasters, its rejected leaders by their own and failure to deal with increasingly alarmed discontented senior officials within all the opposition political parties.

The opposition should use the international or regional influential media rather than wasting their limited resources in the so called internal intrigues. They should instead organise and mobilize in the Diaspora, regional and within Rwanda to keep up with the momentum of Kigali regime.

There is no any resistance movement in the world that has managed to capture power without first uniting its sister resistance groups, because they should know that their disunity is counterproductive as it will erode the confidence of the real people they intend to liberate.

Admittedly, some opposition groups are starting new groups rather than reshaping the existing ones, all this inadvertently makes Kagame smile and makes him more comfortable on his throne.


Kagame reading a letter and laughing out loud at opposition disunity

Therefore, this missive or column, whatever you may call it, is intended for all those who claim to represent the broad masses of the Rwandan people, FDU Inkingi, RNC, Green Party, RDI and any other political entity identified with resistance to  stop ‘Familiocracy’, nepotism, corruption, financial bungling, wasteful of their limited resources and all other anti-societal mechanisms and election gimmickry and  to their leaders who are at present embroiled in a distressing dilemma as to how to displace the current governing officials, the issue is one, unite and work for the good of the Rwandan people, continue disunity leave no legacy behind.

So long as the control of the national conversation stays with the RPF and Kagame in particular, the Opposition’s role becomes exclusively one of reactive response as opposed to proactive; instead of dictating the flow of events of national significance, the Opposition becomes a virtual prisoner of the one who controls that flow of events, losing the political initiative which is vital and crucial in the process of recruitment of new members to their ranks. People do not get attracted to an alternative political agenda by random; they do not join new political trends without thinking twice or weighing advantages over disadvantages.

People do not back a political party for the sake of the country or patriotism nor do they leave a political party because they find that party corrupt or wasteful. Although negative campaigning in politics always works, that negative campaign must always carry an underlying positive agenda, an agenda which should effectively portray something very helpful and supportive to the people and it should be communicated in the right lingo and with the necessary coating. This is what all the opposition political parties have failed to realize in earnest. You stand warned that, you should unite or perish one by one.

The Genesis of Marara’s fallout with Rudasingwa Part11

In summary: We  continue to dig deep on how Rudasingwa’s self-centred style of leadership caused divisions following a letter dated Sun, 18/09/2011 written by Noble Marara,  begging for the building and strengthening of institutions.


Dear Maj Theogene Rudasingwa and my fellow members of our beloved organisation RNC, I would like to  thank you for the work that you have been doing for the last couple of weeks which proved as an impact in terms of exposing Kagame’s Government that seems weakened.

I believe that you have been working hard to highlight some of the areas that need strengthening in order to keep up with the demand of strong institutions that our country desperately deserves.

First of all brothers and sisters, I understand that organisations and political parties work under the umbrella of policies and laws, including being honest between members and being empathetic towards each other. These empathies and honesty between members can only be achieved once we have policies in place.

Allow me as a team member to suggest that, RNC should implement the policies and hold those responsible to account for their actions, most importantly; organisations should provide a means of how to work together and guide every participant in making sure that there are no divisions.

The capacity of parties to discharge these functions effectively should be controlled by the regulatory environment, which is created by the leadership that is not self centred but with the ideas of all the followers.

This should include both the external and or internal policies and laws that govern the entire organisation.

The question now is the level of effectiveness that the RNC organisation performs. It is obvious that a lot has been done by the member’s voluntary efforts however I personally deem it the right necessary time we need to have some governing policies and or statute in place if we are to have a greater impact against Kagame.

There are still significant challenges, especially in countries where RNC face low or eroding grassroots like Rwanda.

There are also problematic issues in countries where the RPF is still believed to be a saviour of our nation. We need to ask the question:

  • Is this dominating force the right vision for the Rwandese future?
  • I believe that there is a challenge of planting more cadres plus recruiting members.
  • I believe that we are still weak in terms of finance and we have done less in international relations.
  • We have a crisis of public confidence due to the continued imprisonment of opposition members plus the intimidation of those thought to be our followers inside the country. But we are not working together as necessary. This has caused the rise of questions in most of our high profile supporters in western countries.

There is considerable variation in the role, function, organizational structure, and philosophy of different types, it is evident that RNC has done little to finalise the above mentioned areas

We need to have an organisational structure between bottom-up ‘mass-branch’ versus top-down ‘caucus-cadre’ structures)

Members should have the (right) chance to elect those who are able to deliver for the best of the country, party, and organisation. We need to consider the competence of the persons being elected in any position if we are aiming to achieve the quantity and quality of the delivery.

If these have been acquired without my knowledge as a member I will have been left out, and so I kindly request that we get a proper discussion. If those areas are fully covered then we will need our leaders to work hard on informing us about our achievements, strengths and weaknesses.

Noble Marara

Gen. Kayumba save RNC or risks Rudasingwa tearing it apart

Gen Kayumba: The man that all Rwandans want as a leader Kagame want him dead

As mixed reactions continue to trail around the style of leadership of Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa many people  are asking why Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa has continued to keep silent , this will not only weaken the RNC  but might see dramatic exit by many supporters  from the Rwanda National Congress Party.

Dr.Rudasingwa with his wife

Many members of the Rwanda National Congress have expressed their genuine concern of poor leadership of Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa from the way he handled the Impala Radio which was meant to be the voice of the RNC in particular and the Opposition in general to financial management of the Rwanda National Congress, yet Gen. Kayumba has refused to actively intervene in the party and extinguish the fire before it burns the whole party down.

Rwanda National Congress belongs to all of us, we must not allow it to be destroyed and we must save it from one man show and join hands to make it great.

When leaders remain silent or inactive when there is a conflict within party, the followers do not only lose sense of direction but also get worried about their political future.  The Rwanda National Congress should come with new settlement which can unite its members and our country.

Therefore Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa should come up with principles that will define the Rwanda National Congress leadership and how the party will be led in accordance with the wishes of the members the party but not the wishes of Dr. Theogene Rudasiangwa

The British Second World War Prime Minister Winston Churchill told the House of Commons and his Cabinet that he has nothing to offer except blood “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” Indeed, we have nothing to offer to our country and of course the Rwandan people except blood, toil, tears and sweat.

Noble Marara.

Behind The Presidential Curtains: Is Rudasingwa’s arrogance destroying RNC?

Elitism, Arrogance and Lack of internal Democracy Will Destroy the Rwanda National Congress (RNC). Dr. Rudasingwa Theogene with his former Boss Kagame are co- founders of the “Munyangire” within the RPF.  This is a syndrome of hate the one I hate; it is not only being exported to the Rwanda National Congress by Dr. Rudasingwa Theogene, but is slowly and surely eating up the whole party. For example when Mr. Rudasingwa Theogene left Rwanda for whatever reasons, he never rose against the Kigali regime, it’s until the departure of Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa that he started becoming provocative and with other former RPF senior officials in 2010 they started the Rwanda National Congress.

Munyangire at heart: President Kagame with Rudasingwa

According to Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa and many Rwandans believe that the RPF regime is suffocating the fundamental freedoms of Rwandans, like free media, freedom of assembly and violets the human rights. Amazingly, Dr. Theogene Rudasinmgwa has made it a habit if not a custom by attacking whoever, criticizes the style of his leadership.  While many Rwandans are yearning for democracy, freedom of speech, and other human rights, the style of Mr. Rudasingwa does not give hope that something fundamentally will come over the horizon of the Rwanda National Congress that he is slowly turning into a personal enterprise.

As much as many Rwandans need a regime change in Kigali, they need an opposition which is quite strong, democratic, but not changing a gang of bad group and replacing it with another group that is even worse than the one replaced. Therefore it is my conviction that if there was a true democracy in the RNC, people like Dr.Theogene Rudasingwa would have never seen the light of day. Unfortunately, its otherwise sound constitution of RNC that contains a few fatal flaws, it’s now an open secret that some RNC leaders also have a weak devotion to democracy, and indirectly  some are actively plotting to overthrow it.  Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa unfortunately enjoys an almost unbroken string of luck in coming to power within the RNC ranks. He benefited greatly from the dictatorial atmosphere in Rwanda, humiliation of a section of some Rwandans, lack of confidence within a section of opposition, and lack of interest by some members of the opposition who have just remained silent not because they like Kagame , but because they know very well the attitude and behaviour of Dr. Rudasingwa Theogene.

In fact, the ascendance of Kagame to the throne of RPF after the sudden and mysterious death of its founder and Leader, Gen. Fred Rwigema, is no different to the rise of Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa to the mantle of RNC leadership.   Some prominent former RPF members who decided to keep silent, Maj. Alpohone Fuluma, Maj Mupende, Maj Bizimungu who were among the founders of RPF and the initial members of the First Rwandan parliament after genocide, has not joined RNC. Others like Dr. Polly Murayi, Paul Rusesabagina, Lt. Jeane Mulisa, Kazungu myself just to mention a few, have failed to work with Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa’s Leadership style.

Paulin Murayi

LT Jeanne Umulisa

Rusesabagina with Noble Marara who were all pushed a side by Rudasingwa’s poor leadership

Critics of democracy might claim that Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa was democratically elected to the ranks of RNC. This is untrue. Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa never had the popular votes to become what he is now in the RNC and the only reason he got the job was because the RNC leaders entered into a series of back-room deals. Some claim that Rudasingwa’s rise was nonetheless legal under the RNC system. The problem is that what was “legal” under the RNC system would not be considered legal under a truer and better-working democracy.

Dictators’ rise to power for many and various reasons, for example, Kagame’s political terror and state-run propaganda has inevitably worn him support from Rwanda and in the Diaspora not out love but out fear and survival.  Kagame in the last election  won more than 90 percent of the vote  and through his propaganda is campaigning for the change of the Constitution so that he can stand again after is constitutional ,mandate expires in 2017.

It is my belief that accountability is one of the disciplines leaders must foster to improve their effectiveness in a way that lasts. A cycle of cynicism occurs when leaders announce wonderful aspirations (e.g. vision, mission and strategy statements) but fail to deliver.

Over time this cycle breaks down trust and erodes commitment. Leadership sustainability requires leaders to take personal responsibility for making sure that they do what they say. Accountability also increases when leaders expect and accept personal commitments from others and follow up on those commitments.

Over time, leadership is sustainable when the leader’s agenda becomes the personal agenda of others.

For example, Dr Theogene Rudasingwa is a man who does not only hate advice, but he fights it altogether, when I advised him on the matter of Radio Impala, he first told me to apologise for the allegations, and poor me I apologised for giving him the information that he did not want to hear, I had the arrest warrant of Aloys Manzi from the French Police of which I shared with Theogene Rudasingwa, this arrest warrant clearly showed Aloys Manzi as a wanted man for stealing public money, Rudasingwa told me that everyone has history and this has nothing to do with the RNC. He ignored my advice, yet the truth is that, I had foreseen that Radio Impala was falling in the wrong hands, he has consistently tried to undermine the free criticisms for his leadership and for the shortcomings of the Party in general.

According to Ulrich and Smallwood, leaders build accountability in others, and for themselves, through consistent with your personal values and brand, consistency with a leader’s personal values are another way to ensure change is sustainable.

“Value consistency helps leaders to think and act with continuity so that their stance and actions are clear both to themselves and to observers.”

To have sustainable impact, though, “a leadership point of view needs to become a personal leader brand”. Finally as much as leaders demand accountability, they should allow accountability on what they do, it’s through this lens that the fans of RNC and many Rwandans who are thirsty for the regime change in Rwanda would like to see in Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa and other opposition leaders in Rwanda.

The second part of this article will be out next weekend and will entail the following

  1. Radio Impala
  2. Money laundering
  3. Corruption
  4. Harassment of critics

Noble Marara Chief Editor inyenyerinews

RNC Fragmentation the Electoral Fortunes for RPF as Kagame LOL

The brute strength of President Kagame’s regime has been the weakness of the Rwandan opposition.  The Exiled Rwandan Opposition Party (RNC) composed mainly of the former Kagame allies is suffering from intrigues and this has threatened its survival.

Kayumba with Rudasingwa

Kagame as leader of the Rwanda Patriotic Front was Instrumental in stopping the country from degenerating into chaos after genocide. However, some of his colleagues have deserted him accusing him to be a dictator and intolerant to divergent views. Interestingly, the rift between Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa and Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa is solely on the same path which led them to leave RPF.

The above rift has threatened to tear the party apart and some of their  fans have told us that Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa and Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa have held several meetings to resolve their differences but all in vain.

According to the reliable information from some of their supporters, the rift between these two founding members of RNC is exacerbated by their close friends who don’t want to see Dr. Rudasingwa continuing to lead the RNC.   The pending elections within the RNC has been dominated by intrigues and has been postponed several times because of the same reasons, Joseph Ngarambe, Jonathan Musonera, Theogene Rudasingwa and Gerald Gahima are likely to be phased out of  the RNC establishment because they are accused of misappropriation of RNC funds and arrogance.

Furthermore, some of their supporters who approached us have accused Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa of supporting the enthronement of Gervais Cyondo or Maj. Micombero which is vehemently opposed by Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa who wants another term. According to Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa wants to bring a person who will be under his command and will rule under his shadow, a tactic RPF used during its armed struggle in 1990s when it used Col. Alex Kanyarengwe and Pasteur Bizimungu respectively.

“If Gen. Kayumba wants to lead the Party let him do so and he enjoys my personal support and I will vote him, but bringing in a person that he will use to rule under his shadow is unacceptable” Theogene Rudasingwa said.

He further said that his differences with Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa are based on the way he uses a clique of former RPF soldiers many of them were under his command, this clique of Soldiers organize meetings in the name of RNC which is wrong because  some of these meetings might be against our rules. Among the clique of Soldiers mentioned by Dr.Theogene Rudasingwa, include Captain Kaje Alpha in Canada, Maj. Nkubana Emmanuel, 2lt Rutabana, and Maj.Micombero.

“Some of these soldiers fly to Africa holding meetings in the name of RNC which we don’t know; this is not good and must stop.” The continued differences between the prominent leaders of RNC have affected the entire leadership were two camps have been created, those supporting Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa and another one for Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa, therefore this articled should not be interpreted as a message of dividing further the RNC, but we intent to warn them that their differences have serious consequences for the party and Rwandans whom they claim to represent.

Indeed, it has already affected the RNC and without doubt has strengthened the RPF regime and Kagame in particular will win the next general elections without any hassle.

Noble Marara.

Gahima: Inyenyeri News will never apologize for being a voice of everybody

Noble Marara inyenyerinews chief editor

After the recent Article that appeared in the Inyenyeri news under the heading “ Is Gahima haunted by his Role  in the Rwanda Genocide?”   Theogene Rudasingwa a brother to Gahima responded on his facebook page by demanding an apology from inyenyeri news, in his words Rudasingwa stated that.

Theogene Rudasingwa defending his brother Gahima Gerald

”We are yet to reach a stage where we can disagree with civility. Instead of challenging Gahima’s arguments, the Inyenyeri News article said he is a thief. Now, being a thief and having ideas are different things. I say this not because Gahima is my brother, or a colleague leader in the RNC, but because I sense unfairness in the Inyenyeri attack. As for debate on BBC documentary, that is precisely its utility. To encourage debate. That means listening first, even if you do not agree.
Inyenyeri News has simply disgraced itself by parading the usual shameful Kigali-like hatred against Gahima. The honorable thing to do would be to apologise to Gahima, but as it often said, only those morally responsible can rise to that revolutionary challenge”.

Gahima Gerald who questioned untold story credibility

We have received different comments against and in support of the above article. However, the most astonishing behaviour by some people as those telling the Inyenyeri news to apologize for allowing the article to be published. This is like telling the African Chiefs that they should not apologize for allowing slavery of their Citizens a hundred years ago.

In unprecedented demand for accountability by some African civil rights defenders the Traditional African rulers were encouraged to apologize for the role they played in the slave trade.”We cannot continue to blame the white men, as Africans particularly the traditional rulers, are not blameless,” said the Civil Rights Congress.

Could we say that this human rights organization was not civilized because it demanded the accountability of the African Chiefs who helped, aided, assisted, the white man to capture many of their fellow countrymen and take them as slaves?

Should we tell the BBC that allowed this article to appear in its publications on 12, November 2009, to apologize? Who has the monopoly of civilizations when it comes to facts or opinions? The best way of showing civility when it comes to responding to issues in the free speech world forum, is to write and counter argue what you think is incorrect or biased as you might think.

What the Inyenyeri news did was to publish what the writer of the above article thought was a responsibility for the opposition figures to have the moral standing, indeed, to be part of any future constitutional arrangement in Rwanda; there are some historical issues for them to address.

As any prominent public figure, for instance Celebrities, politicians, high-ranking or powerful government officials, and others with power in society will always have a problem in drawing a line between what is personal or private or public.  Why should a public figure that is suspected of theft, become private or vendetta if it comes to accountability? Unless he/she comes with the facts that are contrary to what has been said against him or her. The scales of accountability when it comes to the Rwandan government and the opposition figures should be of the same standard.

As regards, the Inyenyeri news position, we shall never apologize for being fair, impartial, doing our job without fear or favor. Individuals who are considered to be limited-purpose public figures remain so as long as the public has an “independent” interest in the underlying controversy against them. Unlike all-purpose public figures, it is relatively easy for a limited-purpose public figure to lose his status if the controversy in which he is involved has been largely forgotten. But most will still maintain their status even after they leave the public office. Therefore, those who have been in public eyes remain a target as long as there is reason by anyone to bring to life the old memories.

Noble Marara.

Editor -in -Chief, Inyenyeri News. KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSJUSTICE AND RECONCILIATIONLATEST NEWSWORLDWhat is happening in the RNC today has been prophesized long before and many people outside and within RNC labeled me a mole for Kigali regime despite the fact that I had equally exposed the naked side of the Kagame murderous regime. Noble Marara who questioned the RNC Rwanda’s most prominent...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE

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