Dear United Kingdom,

behold the mentality of the government system given the honor to host the Commonwealth Heads Of Governments Meeting this year!

Social media has revolutionized the post-information world we live in today, and Twitter is where all the politics happens, it is the theater for the war of ideologies but it is also where all the nauseating bullying takes place.

It is one of the platforms where Kagame’s Rwanda has redefined bullying, harassment, persecution intimidation and oppression of its opponents: for quite some time now, using a horde of these tech-savvy goons, defamations of character and misuse of freedom of speech have been a “thing”. Twitter has become the premise of Kagame’s Rwanda government condoned bigotry! This is truly scandalous coming from the soon to be host of the English speaking world in this time and age!

Ms. Ingabire is not the only one who has been put through this ordeal, some Ugandan politicians and public figures are familiar with the same coming from Kagame’s Twitter and facebook-bullies.

People will always disagree. Ms. Victoire Ingabire may not be everyone’s favorite person, individuals may hurl attacks and critiques at her, it comes with the territory as she is a public figure but this is truly shocking and uncivilized coming from the would-be host of the civilized world.

Kagame’s Rwanda needs to grow up and treat its “enemies” with more decency and political correctness than this. All Rwandans have a right to their dignity, even those that threaten Mr. Kagame’s authority and life presidency!

One has to wonder how Mr. Kagame’s allies are not embarrassed by his barbarous and brutish methods! What kind of leader condones the unleashing of these psychological warfare tricks every time he feels threatened by an “allegedly” unpopular and deeply disliked unarmed woman?

Noble Marara KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSLATEST NEWSDear United Kingdom, behold the mentality of the government system given the honor to host the Commonwealth Heads Of Governments Meeting this year! Social media has revolutionized the post-information world we live in today, and Twitter is where all the politics happens, it is the theater for the war of...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE