The who’s who of the East African literary world is very upset about Rukirabashaija’s arrest and serious mistreatment in custody but allow me to also have my say about this matter on your website. I know it has quite a readership even here in Uganda.

I was very disappointed by your review of Rukirabashaija’s Banana Republic book. 

Frankly, I have to tell you that your calling this man a luminary is an insult to the real luminaries of Africa.

I have purchased this young man’s book, I have read it thoroughly and must say I was mortified by what l read.

How is this young man so hateful of president Museveni? To drag his name in so much mud like that lying about his family?!

He must have quite a beef against him!

Granted Museveni has clearly overstayed his welcome to the presidential seat. We are all so tired of his constitutional amendments but is that an excuse to attack his immediate family and deceased relatives?! To call his mother all those names, to portray his father like and his grandmother like he did!

This book was vile, it was written with vile intent and financed by vile individuals.

I have been wondering out loud that perhaps our good friend Mwenda had something to do with it…

The written word is a powerful tool, particularly in Uganda and Kenya. 

When this would be author says it is a work of fiction, it is only adding insult to injury,

Rukirabashaija should be freed but not of the accusation of slander. He is a guilty arsonist.

Richard Mbonye , Kampala EditorDEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSHUMAN RIGHTSINYENYERI RADIOLATEST NEWSOPINIONThe who's who of the East African literary world is very upset about Rukirabashaija’s arrest and serious mistreatment in custody but allow me to also have my say about this matter on your website. I know it has quite a readership even here in Uganda. I was very disappointed...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE