Fellow Rwandans and readers of inyenyerinews ,

I  want to start this note by thanking you for the  many comments and reactions to my thoughts regarding the need for maturity in the ranks of our opposition to the tyrannical  regime of Paul Kagame and his one party state .

In this note I will attempt to  further explain my sentiment on why we need to rethink the change we want to bring about in our country.

My assessment of the situation may not be popular  and it may fall on deaf ears but it may help those interested in reflecting on a sincere evaluation that can lead to lasting realistic solutions  to our complex problem.

  • Why waging a war on Rwanda and its current president , Kagame should not be encouraged

I know that this statement will outrage many of my compatriots in the opposition .

Many will argue that “Kagame Kills , if we do not take arms  he will continue killing “ that “Kagame only speaks the language of the gun”…

The fact of the matter is  that :

  1. The Rwandan opposition is disunited.
  2. The Rwandan opposition  is very ill equipped to wage a war on Kagame’s well organized, trained and equipped army.  If such a war was waged , it would be embarrassingly lost .
  3. No country in the great lakes would  want to be responsible for destabilizing the region by availing themselves as rear base to such a military enterprise. Treaties have been put in place by the same East African countries to ensure stability in order to promote trade and economic growth. Partnerships binding  all parties to cooperate have been enshrined and signed . None of these countries will gamble their economic well being or risk international sanctions to support a war .
  • The world will not let Rwanda  go back to 1994.

Realistically speaking  engaging in war under the present circumstances would not only be delusional , it would also be an excursion with a guaranteed conclusion in defeat. The world is not prepared to endorse another war in the great lakes region. Everyone remembers all too well the humanitarian crisis that ensued with the previous one. Times have changed.

Our opposition should  be more concerned with educating our people on their democratic rights,  focusing on building and affirming itself ideologically and promoting alternatives to the bigoted RPF governance methods so that it may gain strength and influence diplomatically.

Change in the 21st century favors soft power , it is more effective , more civilized and less expensive in human casualties than war.


Noble Marara

https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/IMG_20190208_152913.jpg?fit=960%2C439&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/IMG_20190208_152913.jpg?resize=140%2C140&ssl=1Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSOPINIONFellow Rwandans and readers of inyenyerinews , I  want to start this note by thanking you for the  many comments and reactions to my thoughts regarding the need for maturity in the ranks of our opposition to the tyrannical  regime of Paul Kagame and his one party state ....PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE