Joel Mutabazi, a former lieutenant in President Paul Kagame’s Republican Guard was allegedly kidnapped in Kampala in 2013 and handed over to his home government which sentenced him to life imprisonment. Nine people have been charged in Uganda over his kidnap. TIMES PHOTOGRAPHY

In Summary

By Risdel Kasasira

Nine people, among whom are five senior police officers, have been charged before the Makindye based Court Martial in Kampala for allegedly kidnapping former Rwandan president, Paul Kagame’s bodyguard.

The suspects who also include Rwandans and Congolese nationals appeared in the Court Martial on Friday and were charged with conspiracy with Rwanda to kidnap Lt Joel Mutabazi in Uganda in 2013.

The officers are: Commandant of Police Professional Standard Unit, Senior Commissioner of Police Joel Aguma; Senior Superintendent of Police Nixon Agasirwe; former commander of Police Special Operations, Sgt Abel Tumukunde under the Flying Squad; Assistant Superintendent of Police Magada under Crime Intelligence; and Faisal Katende under the Flying Squad.

The nine suspects, among whom are five top

The nine suspects, among whom are five top police officers arrive at Makindye based Court Martial to be charged on October 27, 2017. PHOTO BY ABUBAKER LUBOWA

They were arrested by the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI), which is also hunting for three others.
Some of the suspects have previously been implicated in various cases.
Mr Aguma was suspended in 2013 for allegedly kidnaping and handing over Lt Mutabazi.

Lt Mutabazi had fled to Uganda but was reportedly kidnapped in Kampala by security personnel and handed over to his home government. He was later sentenced to life imprisonment. Mr Katende was suspended for alleged extortion in 2014. KayitareDEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSPOLITICSJoel Mutabazi, a former lieutenant in President Paul Kagame’s Republican Guard was allegedly kidnapped in Kampala in 2013 and handed over to his home government which sentenced him to life imprisonment. Nine people have been charged in Uganda over his kidnap. TIMES PHOTOGRAPHY In Summary Lt Mutabazi had fled to...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE