Today , someone told me that given the dishonesty and  hostility we currently see in the Rwandan opposition , Paul Kagame , the two faced tyrant whose notorious cruelty and political repression  is to blame for the the exile of hundreds of thousands of Rwandans , is the leader we deserve . I thought that was a rather cruel interpretation but having taken some time to think about it , that person may be right.

Why is  democracy  so seemingly impossible  for Rwanda ?

Even though  our nation is fairly ancient ,we are a young country ; our independence from colonialism being just  57 years old.

When will we as a people decide to put our differences aside and unite behind the idea of democracy?

Our politicians seem to be stranded in a conformism that  keeps change and democracy where we cannot reach.

It is true that change from dictatorship to democracy is a work in progress but there also  seems to be a complacency and a misleading belief in the ranks of our opposition suggesting that we can one day easily adjust from Kagame to democracy!

Rwanda will need a period of transition on which to build the solid  democracy and enduring rule of law we need .

It is with that transition in mind that we should look for leadership . Unbiased leadership that will ensure that every voice is heard and  respected at its just value .

Who  can unite the different factions of our opposition today ?

Can our divided opposition take on the challenge to reflect and consult on this issue?

Should there be a vote ?

Change will only happen when we decide to look for new solutions and alternatives to the dead end we seem to have reached .

Noble Marara KayitareDEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSToday , someone told me that given the dishonesty and  hostility we currently see in the Rwandan opposition , Paul Kagame , the two faced tyrant whose notorious cruelty and political repression  is to blame for the the exile of hundreds of thousands of...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE