Rwanda: Opposition leader conviction extinguishes some hope of political freedom and put Rwanda on a dangerous path
Global Campaign for the Rwandan Rights condemns the decision by the Supreme Court of to sentence the opposition leader Ms Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, 15 years imprisonments.
Ms Victoire Ingabire was convicted with “conspiracy against the government by terrorism and war”, “minimizing the genocide” in Rwanda in 1994, and “spreading rumors in the intent to incite the public to violence.”
Victoire Ingabire trial and subsequent appeal processes have been found by various experts, independent observers and human rights organisations to have been seriously flawed and international standards were totally flouted.
Considering accusations against her, various identified irregularities and ignorance of due process, it has been clear that Rwandan justice system has been used by the Rwandan government as a tool to oppress legitimate and peaceful exercise of freedom of expression and freedom of association.
”Freedom of expression and associations are important base and foundations of a democracy. Their absences undermine one of important fundamental rights of people. This situation not only has the potentiality to cause insecurity and conflicts, in Rwanda as result of consequences of oppression, it also affects the country ability to achieve its various social and economic potentialities as result of participation of its people in environment of freedom and rule of law” Said GCRHR coordinator
We urge the Rwandan government to release without delay Victoire Ingabire and other political prisoners and undertake important process of democratisation that would ensure the implementations of all democratic principles that Rwandans people desperately desire and deserve.
By Global Campaign for Rwandans Human Rights. & FREEDOMSGlobal Campaign for the Rwandan Rights condemns the decision by the Supreme Court of to sentence the opposition leader Ms Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, 15 years imprisonments. Ms Victoire Ingabire was convicted with “conspiracy against the government by terrorism and war”, “minimizing the genocide” in Rwanda in 1994, and “spreading rumors...Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS
Victorie will at some point lead Rwanda. The shortsighted and futile attempts to stop her march to her destiny are just that: absolutely pointless save for one fact. It is preparing the lady for selfless and wise leadership ala Mandela. The current leadership in Rwanda is destined for the trash heap of ignominy. The oracle has spoken.
Sorry for the brave lady! However those who prosecuted her should first prosecute themselves; Ingabire will always be remembered as Jeanne d”Arc! let them take her liberty but they want take away the fire which is in her! she is just being braced for the hard task that is awaiting her ie leading Rwanda; she is being persecuted by a desperate regime that vainly seeks to cling to power! but nothing lasts for ever let alone political regimes! ours is at its last stage I think it’s the beginning of the end!
Global Campaign for Rwandans Human Rights has really shown its side!!!! Imagine a criminal like Ingabire leading Rwanda??? May God forbid it like He has so far done. We Rwandans dont want to see a repeat of history. You point out that Rwanda can’t reach social and political potentials, what are there metrics?? I urge you to come and visit Rwanda and see how Rwandans are busy building and developing themselves. Rwandans are moving from NO ACTIONS and TALK ONLY like you to SELF RELIANCE and ACTIONS. Rwandans ears are open to constructive and developmental ideas rather than your evilish,devisive, destruction and genecidals ideas that you preach. We are tired of your devide and rule ideas. Please leave Rwandans alone to decide their fate.
Comment Paul Kagamé peut oser aller en Afrique du Sud pour s’incliner devant Madiba quant il laisse dans ses geôles des gens comme Victoire Ingabire, Déo Mushayidi,Mr Ntaganda etc…Décidemment le dictateur de Kigali ne respecte pas la séparation des pouvoirs puisque la Justice au Rwanda est loin d’être indépendante.Nous éspérons que Victoire Ingabire ne passera pas 15 ans en 1930. L’opinion tant nationale qu’internationale doit se mobiliser contre le boucher des grands lacs .La lutte continue et nous vaincrons.
To Rugaju
Ingabire criminal? Did she kill any single person? What about your \”angel\” Kagame who butchered six million ( rwandans, congolese, french, spanish…)? Over decade Mandela has been called terrorist only because of his struggle against apartheid and injustice across the world. Likewise, you and vampire Kagame are labelling Ingabire as a genocidaire only be\’se she advocates for justice for all rwandans, tutsis and hutus. Yes, you\’re busy building the country and it\’s so good, but you\’re destoying the hearts and souls of yourself and all rwandans by all sorts of frustrations you\’re installing in our nation. You\’d better think of bulding hearts first by granting justice and freedoms for all rwandan citzens without any discrimination, otherwise you\’re undermining all you\’re pretending to build. Peace to you and to all fellow rwandans.
FPR is a blind driven political party that has nothing to offer on side of justice in our land! It started small as group of people who should accept mistakes of the system and own it but the more the victims emblazed the socks and kept silent to the victimiser the higher the pick of injustice has been recorded and we are so far well positioned in the sector of denied justice and other evils of human rights violence.
Whoever that will make what ever type of swear and that justice will always be denied to Rwandans due to terror that reigns in our land sorry for him or her! History always tells the truth only that people take what they want! The world has ever got carnal rulers than Kagame where by their carnality would cost the land all children bellow the age of two years but the way they went only history has it in record!
We have seen men who were proud of iron and men of war who were well positioned and who were well supported for real mass exterminations like Hitler to day none of his Nationals and history of his land has never recorded of his death!
Gadafi had made many men to rise from ash to heads of state Kagame makers and he inclusive where is who once proclaimed himself to be king of kings? Where is he who once called his foes rates? I don’t wish Kagame to be pulled out of sewer but should he continue to kill and prosecute people on politically motivated crimes they will not only do as they did to king of kings he will just be burnt a live!
No wars no heroes and no heroes no wars Kagame if wants more heroes to rise he will keep on provoking Rwandans to go for war!