The Rwandan Parliament decided to amend Article 101 of the 2003 Rwandan Constitution. The amendment will allow incumbent President Paul Kagame to contest elections after the expiry of his second term in 2017. This is the reason why Rwandans are peacefully protesting before the Rwandan High Commission in South Africa on this 3 September 2015. President Kagame’s grand “scheme to crown himself king of Rwanda is based on three deceptions: (1) Making his power-grab appear to be the result of popular demand by the Rwandan people; (2) Branding himself an economic miracle-maker that transformed a subsistence peasant economy into “the Singapore of Africa” in just 21 years and (3) Showcasing himself head of a corruption-free government. To popularize this master plan, top officials went out to sell the idea that no other Rwandan but current President Paul Kagame, is capable of leading the country. The Kagame regime wants to give the world the idea that “the people” are begging Kagame to stay in power, contrary to the provisions of Article 101 that “Under no circumstances shall a person hold the office of President of Republic for more than two terms.” The common stanza in Kagame’s camp is that no other Rwandan is capable of leading the country. The constitution must therefore be amended for the only purpose to keep Kagame in the country’s top office. There is no single Rwandan who willfully petitioned Kagame to remain in power. For those who are used to Kagame’s modus operandi, it is him who was pushing, through his intelligence apparatus and state machinery, for the population to anticipate his third term. Manipulation, lies and deceit have always characterized Kagame and his inner circle’s way of doing business in Rwanda. Rwanda has many competent and experienced people who may actually drive Rwanda in the right direction without hate, discrimination, divisions or injustice, corruption or revenge. President Kagame is probably the worst war criminal in office today. Kagame has ordered and continue to order the killing and assassination of Rwandans inside and outside Rwanda. Far from being a people unifier, President Kagame is a predator divider in spirit, actions and words. Kagame divides Rwandans among few privileged Tutsis and many marginalized Hutus and unwanted Tutsis. Rwandan economic development is “rent-seeking”. President Kagame has unlimited access to the financial resources of the state. Allowing Kagame another term in office will be condemning Rwanda to a tragedy that should rather be prevented. Kagame will not leave easily if people continue to let him enslave them through manipulative lies and deceptive tactics. Political change is necessary to avert violent conflict that a repressive government in Rwanda has made almost inevitable. Change in Rwanda is inevitable; the issue is whether it will be negotiated and peaceful, or violent and imposed, again, by the victors of a bloody armed conflict. Kagame has become a liability and a burden for Rwandans. For the sake of peace and stability in Rwanda and the Great Lakes region, we urge the United Nations, particularly the Security Council; we call upon the African Union, particularly its Peace and Security Council to advise Kagame to step down in 2017 when his second term ends. To ease continued population displacement, human tragedies and a possible outbreak of armed conflicts in the region, we call upon the East African Community, the Southern African Community to discourage Kagame’s move. Current development partners of Rwanda should unequivocally advise Kagame not to change the constitution. African States that maintain privileged relations with Rwanda should, through open and discreet diplomatic channels, discourage president Kagame from attempting to amend the constitution to keep himself in power as a minimum condition for their current and future relations with Rwanda. The interests they secure in their relations with Rwanda must be measured against the deprivation of rights’ toll the Rwandan people go through. If the anticipated constitutional amendment goes ahead, all voiceless and frustrated Rwandans will have no other option than to use all available means to free themselves. If the Kagame government continues to close the political space, the whole country may implode and all economic achievements will dissipate. The Kagame era will go with Kagame. The political opposition inside and outside Rwanda will rise up and unanimously ask President Kagame not to change the constitution and to peacefully relinquish power when his term ends in 2017. Every Rwandan makes it his responsibility, duty and obligation to ensure that the constitution is not changed to allow President Kagame to stand again for office. For all inquiries

contact Dr. Etienne Mutabazi 0600003660

Mr. Frank Ntwali 0828340061

Mr. Kennedy Gihana 0827273756

Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSThe Rwandan Parliament decided to amend Article 101 of the 2003 Rwandan Constitution. The amendment will allow incumbent President Paul Kagame to contest elections after the expiry of his second term in 2017. This is the reason why Rwandans are peacefully protesting before the Rwandan High Commission in South...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE