Inyenyerinews have received Leaked information indicating that Kagame is coming again, we call upon on all Rwandan peace lovers, civil activists groups as well as political organisations to get together and stand against Kagame’s publicity in England.

His excellency President Kagame will be in London on the 1st of December 2015 at the Global African Investment Summit central hall Westminster, storeys gate, London SW1H 9NH to showcase Rwanda’s potential as the ultimate investment destination.

The intore’s announcement is as follows

Please join us at the event in London from 6:30am to show support for our leaders as they continue the work of improving our lives and making Rwanda a better nation.

Thereafter, between 12pm-6pm, government officials and members of the private sector will hold an interactive lunch session with the Rwandan community to discuss the current affairs in the country.

This will be a great opportunity for the Rwandese communities especially women and youths in the diaspora and friends of Rwanda to share progressive ideas on the role we can play in developing our nation.

To confirm your attendance, please email your name and contact details to  for directions: go to nearest tube station: St James Park Underground station bus: From station 28 to Westminster Abbey Tell a friend to tell a friend! You are all welcome! RCA, London.

Placide KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSWORLDInyenyerinews have received Leaked information indicating that Kagame is coming again, we call upon on all Rwandan peace lovers, civil activists groups as well as political organisations to get together and stand against Kagame’s publicity in England. His excellency President Kagame will be in London on the 1st of December...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE