Son Ivan Cyomoro, Kagame Paul with daughter Ange Kagame

As reported in the Kinyarwanda version last night, a reliable source of information was  received from the whistle blowers who are based in the (RDF) Rwanda Defense Force.  The intelligence service together with those who previously worked as members of the Rwandese protocol to return the king mainly known as Imbaga y’inyabutatu. Clearly explained that the RPRK was formed by President Paul Kagame with the intention of installing his son Cyomoro Ivan as the next King of Rwanda. Sources reported that, after President Kagame realized both the  RPF and the interahamwe had all committed crimes against humanity He later was advised to promote  the return of King Kigeli V in order to fulfill the reconciliation on both sides.
However King Kigeli V declined to be used in order to support the criminals, instead he asked the president for a referendum of his return. This triggered Kagame’s attitude and he stated that he will work around the clock in order to make the Rwandese people hate King Kigeli V.

As reported by elders who witnessed the first hand civilization during the kingdom times, whenever there was animosity caused by disputes and killings in Rwandan societies, it was the King who normally would stop the dispute between both sides in order to forgive and forget.

RPRK logo
President Paul Kagame found the Kingdom system described above as a tool  to reconciliate rwandans,however through forming a political party known as Rwandese Protocol to Return the King (RPRK) imbaga y’inyabutatu which operates in Kampala Uganda, formed a radio station on short wave and internet, with a lot of programmes that normally focuses on explaining the Killings done by both sides and at the same time, the radio speakers mention Kagame’s dictatorship, however they have remained safe and operating freely without being kidnapped and killed as other political members such as RNC, FDU and Journalists who had been endured.  We asked one of the people who preferred anonymity but was able fed this information to inyenyerinews, why the RPRK radio would criticise the government when they are actually working for it? The informer laughed loud and replied that ‘’Kagame is like a gangster who fight each other before someone gets carried away and they steal all the onlooker has in hands and pockets’’.

An elderly man we contacted in order to find out whether in Rwanda is normal for a king to be voted as the RPRK states, he reported that it will never work as it is not the first time for this to be tried. He stated that in Rwanda, we had clans forget about Hutu and Tutsi or Twa. Clans are over 18 of which every clan had a role in the kingdom that was in maintaining culture and the overall well-being of all Rwandans. Kagame’s clan is known as Abega b’abakagara, and these were cousins to the Kingdom as the only clan that was normally known for marrying Rwandan Kings and as already reported in Kinyarwanda Version,


Kanjogera who was a wife to King Rwabugiri, a mother to Umwami Musinga, this Kanjogera  tried to destroy the Kingdom and to divert the throne to his brothers, was an aunt to Kagame’s father Rutagambwa. The historian we managed to speak to, also preferring anonymity as is in Rwanda, first questioned us, ‘’ What does RPRK means? The Protocal to return the king? Which King if they’re going to vote one? They need to change the word” To return” for to vote the king’’ it’s a pity hearing such a thing’’.

He explained that it is not a surprise for Kagame to try and install his son through confusion because Kagame is worried of his future and has no idea on what to do, however the historian argued that it will never be possible for Kagame to encourage Rwandese to vote the king of his choice because the King was there and will remain, the line of the throne will remain as it has been.

King Kigeli V Ndahindurwa who is in exile.

We contacted the advisers of King Kigeli V.  For a comment but their telephones were both on voice mails. However we received a written piece from the RPRK members written by Sgt Munyandinda James also known as Jackson Munyeragwe, which highlighted that those who are near King Kigeli were using their words in order to mislead the Rwandans, the rest of the letter was filled with an professional and insulting words targeting the King and his advisers of which we informed RPRK that we could not publish.

Sgt Munyandinda James aka Jackson Munyeragwe worked as Kagame’s body guard while still in Rwanda also worked alongside Gen James Kabarebe until when he was sent to Uganda to give a hand in forming the RPRK, to gether with Alfred Rurangirwa who was withdrawn by the Rwandan Government from his position of conseul in Portugual. Rurangirwa spent the last few years in England always on telephone, trying to engage with King Kigeli for the benefits of Kigali and in the end he decided to make it clear that he was working on Kigali instructions to install the new King through the new constitution due to be fabricated once again.


Placide KayitareDEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSSon Ivan Cyomoro, Kagame Paul with daughter Ange Kagame As reported in the Kinyarwanda version last night, a reliable source of information was  received from the whistle blowers who are based in the (RDF) Rwanda Defense Force.  The intelligence service together with those who previously worked as members of the Rwandese protocol to return...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE