Gisa Jr.

Afande Sir, allow me to personally congratulate you on having successfully managed to divide your support base –something our enemies had tried and failed to do with all their efforts combined for over 25 years.

Your paranoia and insecurity have finally got the best of you and your lack of discernment on the question of Gisa Jr. is your depressing point of no return.

The bullies for hire you have tasked with instigating this smear campaign against Gisa Jr. are conversing and chewing over how you deterred Gisa Jr. from following in his father‘s footsteps and refused him in your military fearing the following he would harness. They are blaming you for this young man’s situation even as they enforce your pathetic orders.

Rwigema was the closest you had to a brother and yet, you are labeling his son an FDLR sympathizer today! This is an insult to every single RPA soldier.

Is this the gift you promised his family in that shameless speech you gave at Rwigema’s daughter Teta’s wedding? You insulted her brother whom she told you was like a father to her. You went to Rwigema’s daughter’s wedding to ruin it with your thinly veiled threats.

This issue with Gisa Jr. should have remained private. You could have tried to be rational and approached the family privately, instead, you made it into a spectacle.

You are busy grooming your own into becoming the owners of Rwanda tomorrow and you want Rwigema’s son Gisa Jr. reduced to nothing just as you have reduced his father, our brother, and Champion Leader into a dusty relic.

Afande, you have shot yourself in the leg with this blunder. This is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Gisa Jr. is not the only young man who is ill at ease in your RPF mafia ruled Rwanda today. He is free to go or not go wherever he pleases as should any Rwandan. You are not the boss of him.

You seem to have difficulty understanding your presidential obligations. When Rwandans elect you into the office of president, they become the boss of you, not the other way around. You are the one who answers to them not the other way around. This may be because you elected yourself into office but be that as it may, we are all tired of footing the bill for your delusional war with Mzee Museveni. We have not all forgotten that he was our big brother and benefactor. Leave us out of your disagreement and stop lying to Rwanda, Uganda is not our enemy, it was there for us when no one else was.

Noble Marara