Dear all,

I feel it is my duty to point out that what Paul Kagame  really needs is a straightjacket.
For those  who are not familiar  with what that is,  here is how  one dictionary  defines it:
  1. .
    a strong garment with long sleeves that can be tied together to confine the arms of a violent prisoner or mental patient.
I know this might not be easy for some of you to take in,  we Rwandans are very good at sweeping our madness under the karago rug,  we are naturally reserved,  repressed even,  to some extent but it is really time to face the truth and look at it straight in the eye.
Kagame  is not well. He has not been well for a very long time.
We are all victims of our circumstances,  and he is no exception.  To grow up dirt poor in a refugee Camp,  taking up arms at such young age, embracing  murder and torture and theft , spending every day fearing backstabbing and assassination  for over thirty years while keeping everything seemingly together emotionally on the public front! To think of oneself as the most well informed authority only to find out last that one is a cuckold, in a country where gossip is institutionalised…
Kagame actually deserves a standing ovation for having  kept it together this long.
He does need help though.   He needs help and sleep and years of therapy and psychiatric attention.
If Kagame had friends,  now would be the time for them to put him in a straightjacket, it doesn’t even cost much,  they can afford it ( between $173 .60and $176.40)…But he has no friends, he is surrounded by hypocrite,  scroungers and vampires who would rather see him make a spectacle of himself until one day, someone violently ends his life and frees him of his misery.
It is a sad world we live in.
Noble Marara KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSDear all, I feel it is my duty to point out that what Paul Kagame  really needs is a straightjacket. For those  who are not familiar  with what that is,  here is how  one dictionary  defines it: straightjacket . a strong garment with long sleeves that can be tied together to confine the...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE