Inyenyeri has received reliable information of the impending assassination of one Philemon Mateke.

A hit squad under direct orders from President Paul Kagame has been sent to eliminate him .

Kagame has taken issue with Mr Mateke whom he accuses of being the bridge between  FDLR and Uganda’s leadership.

Mr Mateke is already being tagged by this assassination squad.

President Kagame ‘s impunity at home has emboldened him into attacking foreign dignitaries ! Hurling insults at Foreign Minister Lindiwe Sisulu  of South Afrika was  the latest in this searies of accomplishments ;  in Uganda , he has allegedly favoured assassinations   (MP Abiriga , AIGP Kawesi , ASP Kirumira among others)…and now 75 year old Honorable Mateke is his latest target .

Ugandans have pointed a finger at Rwanda for  a series of gruesome  murders that have left anyone observing the region dismayed and wondering  at how much longer Mr Kagame ‘s  impunity will be turned a blind eye on.

This needs to stop.

Noble Marara KayitareAFRICADEMOCRACY & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSInyenyeri has received reliable information of the impending assassination of one Philemon Mateke. A hit squad under direct orders from President Paul Kagame has been sent to eliminate him . Kagame has taken issue with Mr Mateke whom he accuses of being the bridge between  FDLR and Uganda's leadership. Mr Mateke is...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE