BTPC: Rwandan Opposition Forces Must Marry or Perish!
Theogene Rudasingwa with FDU members
The political Parties operating outside the Republic of Rwanda are missing an opportunity at this moment in time where Kagame and his RPF are mobilizing to change the Rwandan Constitution. Indeed, this is a rare political opportunity to unite and resist by all means necessary the Kagame constitutional coup.
Kagame is determined to confuse the world by pretending that he does not want to stay however willing to hold on power.
The current economic conditions where Rwanda is facing the highest debt in the Rwandan history and the political uncertainty could be the trigger and be used as a good ground to forge an alternative, and bring down the RPF system peacefully. Alas, Diaspora forces are wasting golden chance to unite and bring about the change every Rwandan is yearning for.
They have difficulty trusting one another or group trusting another on
power. The dogged problem has always been who should be who first; they did it
before the ‘animal’ was finally killed. The RNC Party, FDU Inkingi, and other political forces operating outside Rwanda have a daunting task now to change the system in Kigali. Unity for the opposition forces is paramount, if the threat of removing the current government in Rwanda is to become real.
By unity they could form a formidable force that would be reckoned with against the long worn out party called the Rwanda Patriotic Front.
The RPF fortunately or unfortunately is regrouping, and so long as
are left unchallenged, they have the backing of the small but significant opposition that has been bought or intimidated who have forged a partnership to show the international community that Kagame is not only loved by his own people but has no opposition to challenge his political appetite.
Sooner or later the economy of the Rwanda will pick up as there will be billions of dollars flowing into their Central Bank from the donor countries after the elections in 2017 if the opposition doesn’t start early to challenge Kagame’s constitutional coup.
Rwandans and the opposition in particular as they known to
have short memory, we forget easily our history, just 21 years we have forgotten what caused Genocide and how the opposition was manipulated by the MRND regime to participate in genocide, even some of the opposition parties who had previously prevailed against the late President Habyarimana regime.
They will resume their lives, despite irreparable socio-political damage brought about by ruthless regime in power in Kigali.
The Rwandan people have paid the brunt of Kigali brutal policies and it is time the country move away. The clique in power has no intention of leaving power under any circumstances unless the opposition extraordinary to change tactics, strategy and method of work.
Time and again, the world was warned that Kigali bends to shed more blood of innocent human beings in the country, but the powerful nations were indifferent and still like that.
Rwandans and the opposition should not sit and think that the world is moving closer, or their voice will be heard, to make this point clear, if the RPF did not resist the late President Habyarimana regime, the Rwandans including Kagame would still be in exile. To put the record straight, let’s do it ourselves and let’s do it now not tomorrow.
The Rwandan Opposition forces haven’t lived up to the expectation of the Rwandan people. Their sectarian orientation goes against new order. It has alienated many, and somewhat work in favor of the dying regime in power. Why don’t these people unite or seek genuine intercourses and alliances among themselves.
For RPF to go therefore, the strong opposition parties like RNC and FDU Inkigi forces must make unity attractive to other political forces. There is chance to do just that. Alliance is the way to go! Political marriage for all is overdue, so to squeeze life out of the RPF, also lobbying and planting truth, reconciliation and forming the pillars of the future as it appears the journey for change is at the beginning.
Noble Marara. & FREEDOMSLATEST NEWSTheogene Rudasingwa with FDU members The political Parties operating outside the Republic of Rwanda are missing an opportunity at this moment in time where Kagame and his RPF are mobilizing to change the Rwandan Constitution. Indeed, this is a rare political opportunity to unite and resist by all means necessary...Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS