Archives for LATEST NEWS - Page 65


Dr. David Himbara: “Kagame regime ordered young Rwandans to swear to God they would return to Rwanda if allowed to represent Africa at a New York City festival. Nearly half deflected to the US.”

Members of the cultural group “Inganzo Ngari” that defected from Rwanda to the United States. It has now become routine. Whenever a group of Rwandans, whether as part of a sports…
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RPF Gakwerere : “Camir Nkurunziza, assassinated in Cape town by Kagame’s DMI operatives in South Africa. “

Camir Nkurunziza, a former member of criminal Paul Kagame’s presidential guard has just been assassinated in Cape town by DMI operatives in South Africa. Criminal Paul Kagame was last week…
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