Archives for AFRICA - Page 42
Here is why Ambassador Nduhungirehe got the sack!
It is now old news that Ambassador loose canon Nduhungirehe got the sack. When the news broke, we turned to his playground twitter account to understand what gaffe earned him…
Why would Colonel Tom Byabagamba attempt to escape military prison after moving to the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) seeking to challenge his continued detention?
When the news broke earlier about Colonel Byabagamba's alledged prison break attempt I like many Rwandans thought: " Himbara must have written something that upset the boss again!" Lately, Dr.…
450,000 Africans projected to contract COVID-19 by May
Africa could see up to 450,000 people test positive for the highly infectious Coronavirus (Covid-19) by the second week of May, putting the continent’s fragile health systems under severe test.…
Abarwayi babiri ba COVID19 bagaragaye i Bukavu baba barageze i Rusizi mbere yuko imipaka ifungwa ?
I Bukavu ,muri Repubulika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Kongo hagaragaye abarwayi babiri bashobora kuba barageze mu Rwanda, mumugi wa Rusizi mukazi k' ubucuruzi gasanzwe . Abo barwayi baramutse barahageze hari impungenge…
Kagame Propaganda On Food Distribution Backfired – Minister Nduhungirehe Caught Redhanded Lying
Olivier Nduhungirehe and his infamous supermarket photo Wonders never cease in General Paul Kagame’s Rwanda. His minister Olivier Nduhungirehe used a picture of supermarket he stole from the internet to…