For those teaching History or Political Science are not only misled by the fall of Berlin wall or disintegration of the former Soviet Union to conclude that the Cold war is over but also live in the shadow of ideological deception.

I will argue that the cold war is still going on and indeed getting colder than ever. The War in Afghanistan that initially was not supported by the whole international community establishment did not stop the US and her allies to go there without the approval of the Security Council (The International Law Watch Dog). As if this was not enough, the Bush Administration waged another war on Iraq in the same pretext of pursing terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.

The Middle East so called winds of change  planned  and remote controlled in Washington, London and Paris have seen  regime change in  Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and now  the political conundrum in  Syria.   The allies of the United States and European Union have not only supported but also defended regimes which are even worse in terms of Human Rights and Democracy. In fact countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen and the Israel the young brother of the United States have maintained their Status quo.

The recent diplomatic conversation between the Senior American Diplomats on the conflict in the Ukrainian Capital Kiev  vindicates my argument  that the cold war between the most powerful nations on earth  has not only affected the political order of the world but has significantly impaired some political discourse on the African continent.

The leakage of this American top diplomatic conversation was blamed on the Russia which Americans said wanted to discredit the American political ideology. However, this is an indication that the cold blood between the two military powers indeed is still silently burning.

It is not therefore surprising that the United States and her allies have not only failed to encourage the investigations in the shooting of the Rwandan Presidential Jet in which the two Heads of State of Rwanda and Burundi (Habyarimana and Ntaryamira) respectively perished which is not only an international war crime on its own but also ignited the genocide of the 20th Century in which almost one million people were butchered in just three months.

The new political strategy  of the West to further their interests is no longer  waging the war directly or supporting  Military Juntas to take power as it used to be in 1970s and 80s but to use the mass demonstrations or antagonize the state using  some agents of change or call it regime change. We have witnessed this new phenomenon unfolding across the Middle East or Just the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and other Baltic Nations.

As I have mentioned above the dispensation of the so called democracy or human rights will happen were the interests of the West is guaranteed.  Illustratively the elections of the Hamas in the Gaza Strip or the rise of Moslem brother hood in Egypt was not supported not because they were not democratic but rather were not pro west.

The African monsters including the Rwanda Head of State Paul Kagame are not only killing or suffocating political dissents but Kagame has walked another mile of being obsessed with murder. Amazingly the Americans and UK have just made political condemnations, kept quite or simply defended the Kigali murderous regime on the ground that it has made according to them the economic miracle. Indeed, the recent murder of the Rwandan former security spy who turned political dissent would have wakened the West that the Man they are doing business with, is not only a despot but a political vampire.

Kagame publicly warned his political opponents that they will be killed or meet a strong cliff, in fact the same words used by the now embattled Dr Leo Mugesera who in 1992 made a speech on then supporters or those perceived to support the then rebel RPF that will be killed or thrown in the River Nile so that they can quickly be taken according to him where they came from. Interestingly these words came to haunt Dr Leo Mugesera after 18 years even if he did not directly commit genocide or even be near where genocide was committed.  It is therefore a reminder to the Rwandan Head of State that these insensitive speeches are not only reckless but also a clearance to a place where his taking his political dissents.

Unfortunately,  Kagame has involved  every sector of life in his political murky waters , the churches have not been spared either, indeed, the recent speech of killing   Col. Karegeya or killing other political opponents was made in front  of church and other religious leaders who surprisingly gave him a standing ovation and thunderous applause. Although the memories of the massacre of  Four(4) Catholic Bishops  at Gakurazo(Gitarama)in 1994  is still fresh in the minds of many Rwandans including these clergies , nothing or little have we learnt from this tragedy.

As I stated earlier the Cold War between the West and the East has not only helped to keep Kagame in Power or other dictators on the Continent and beyond but has significantly impaired or curtailed the strength of the political dissents on the African Continent including Rwanda. But having said that, the likes of Fidel Castro of Cuba, Mao Zedong (Chairman Mao) of Chian, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda other movements across the global   made history without necessarily the support of these big powers. Indeed, the onus of change is on Rwandans with or without external support.


Jacqueline Umurungi


 KayitareLATEST NEWSFor those teaching History or Political Science are not only misled by the fall of Berlin wall or disintegration of the former Soviet Union to conclude that the Cold war is over but also live in the shadow of ideological deception. I will argue that the cold war is still...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE