The Minister of Justice Hon. Tharcisse Karugarama has been frequenting the parliament explaining the resurrection of the ideology law from the grave of inconsistence and ambiguity to life of sanity.
The Minister acknowledged that the genocide law is not clear, that all the people who were punished under this current law of genocide ideology were a miscarriage of justice because it punished the opinion of the people not the action. Indeed, he argued that, criminal law does not punish opinion without action, the guilty mind and the action or wrong must manifest at the same time in order for a person to be culpable.

Is Mr. Karugarama making the Rwandan law that he doctored a scapegoat, or it is the policy of RPF that is failing altogether?

It is not only the laws that are in mess, but the RPF regime for the last 18 years has made the DRC a scapegoat for its political failures. It has invaded this huge country many times; in fact it has never left this country. It is there with its forces or indirectly through its proxies.

RPF continues to lecture the international community that Congo is a failed State but Kagame fails this country by invading it every time Kigali coffers are empty.

Indeed, Kigali has no moral authority to tell another country on how to govern itself. This is a clique of RPF thieves who are paid by the RPF to sell its brand of political ideology.
This is why the European Union and other sponsors of Kagame are withdrawing their money.
The RPF supremacist group is planted in all the institutions. They have infiltrated the parliament in the name of AMANI with the mission to solicit money and sell the RPF brand in the name of peace initiative; in fact it does not stand for peace but make money for RPF in the disguise of peace. It is a money making project like COTRACO and other companies in the name of crystal ventures.

They get money in the name of all sorts of lies; paint it another face to look good, this is what in law is called money laundering. But they will always play games with the law because they think they are above the law.
Mr Karugarama as the Attorney General of Rwanda should investigate the Members of Amani Forum, Rwanda chapter which has mandated itself to tarnish an image of another country (DRC) by telling the Kabila government to stop making Rwanda a scapegoat for its internal problems.
Why should they not call the Rwandan Government to talk to all these armed and non armed groups in the DRC in the same manner they are telling the DRC Government? What is good for the “goose is good for the gander”
They call themselves a platform of parliamentarians from member states of the great lakes region, aimed at promoting peace and security in the region, but instead they preach the gospel of RPF ideology, it is hypocritical and a disservice to the Rwandan people to use the Rwandan taxpayers money to support a regime that kills its own people at will or incarcerates all political opponents using their own doctored laws.
They organize workshops with good speeches doctored and in fact authored by the RPF Secretariat for Mr Bizimana and his Deputy Denis to feed other Parliamentarians on what they call threats to peace and Sustainable Development in the Great Lakes Region: They talk of Illegal Armed Groups without mentioning those who are fighting the Rwandan government to be talked to in the same way they are lecturing Kabila to talk to M23, a notorious armed group that has committed crimes against humanity.
This group shamelessly said that DRC should accept its responsibilities and deal with them from the root causes, with a clear and unifying vision and apparent strategies of good governance. They argued that countries should. Promote home grown approach towards regional problems, like the DRC conflict. Indeed, this principal should apply to Rwanda and talk not only to these armed groups in DRC that are fighting its regime but also other political groups that are opposed to its tyranny and dictatorial tendencies.
Therefore ICGLR should own the conflict management process and peace building mechanism, including an effective joint verification mechanism (JVM) in reference to the problems in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and going to the source of the conflict, in fact the source of the conflict is not DRC, it is in Rwanda caused by RPF failure to cater for the interest of Rwandans.
The RPF regime’s policies have created an atmosphere of armed groups.
The ICGLR should tackle comprehensively the problem of refugees in the great lakes region and ensure that member states should address the root causes of refugees not the symptoms of refuges in Congo. I therefore challenge the AMANI platform to use all possible avenues to denounce the flawed nature of the reports by RPF and its sympathizers who disseminate intentionally false information not only against political opponents but also international human rights groups because Rwanda National Human Rights Groups are dead, and until their resurrection the source of information on human rights in Rwanda is and will be international human rights organizations.
Jacqueline Umurungi
Brussels. KayitareLATEST NEWSThe Minister of Justice Hon. Tharcisse Karugarama has been frequenting the parliament explaining the resurrection of the ideology law from the grave of inconsistence and ambiguity to life of sanity. The Minister acknowledged that the genocide law is not clear, that all the people who were punished under this current...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE