Rwanda needs to be liberated of Mr Kagame
In the midst of the anger and resentment that Rwandans from all walks of life carry in their hearts today , there should come a time for us to understand and agree that it is in our own interest to put aside our different stigmas , look forward as one nation and liberate ourselves of Paul Kagame’s dictatorship.
Rwanda needs to be liberated from Paul Kagame’s grip .
Mr Kagame, who for the past 25 years has presented himself as the poster visionary and unifier of the Rwandan Nation, is in fact just another greedy fraud. He is ruthlessly holding the country together with poisonous intrigues and with the threat of destituteness or hopeless impoverishment .
This has transformed our country’s educated elite and leadership into a grotesque servile ,subservient ,submissive royal court to his suffocating dictatorship.
Mr Kagame did head the armed group that won the war in 1994 ( RPA that later became the RDF). Whether he put an end to the Rwandan Genocide is still highly debatable . What is certain is that he orchestrated a coup against then President Pasteur Bizimungu in 2000 and has illegally kept himself in the presidential seat since; going as far as masterminding the rape of our beloved constitution on December 18th 2015 to legalize his criminal rule .
Rwandans do not want him there; not even those struck with the Stockholm Syndrome who manically cheer for him knowing very well that he is nothing more than a short tempered murderer.
Rwanda is weary of Mr Kagame .
We are all weary of dancing to his “ development “ song that does not match with the average Rwandan’s daily reality or go beyond the display of his luxurious Hotels and ” pimped ” infrastructure that most Rwandans only come close to as street sweepers or as marks to be conned out of the little money they have (having been sold that quick prosperity lie like it recently happened at his famous Convention Center).
Mr Kagame has not liberated Rwandans . He has appropriated himself the victory of the RPA and put Rwanda and Rwandans in very dangerous bondage with big bold lies that keep him in power .
Mr Kagame’s liberated Rwanda is divisive : it kills its citizens at home and abroad for his psychopathic pleasure.
It is a Rwanda of malnourished children that sponsors Mr Kagames favorite English Football Club Arsenal!
It is a Rwanda that closes its borders irresponsibly , it is a Rwanda that starves its people , a Rwanda that prioritizes Mr Kagames indulgence in luxury (take for example his Sentinel Range Rovers at $ 561,576.50 a piece ) over the public health of Rwandans who have no drinking water!
Rwandans fighting for clean water in a Kigali neighborhood
Rwanda needs to be liberated of Mr Kagame and his lies .
Rwanda needs to be liberated of this man’s madness , Rwanda needs to be liberated of his demented mafia and of his obsequious rule.
Noble Marara
NB:Photo re water crisis : NEWSOPINIONIn the midst of the anger and resentment that Rwandans from all walks of life carry in their hearts today , there should come a time for us to understand and agree that it is in our own interest to put aside our different stigmas , look forward...Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS